The Story Of Elion Whyhorn

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'The rich become richer and the poor become poorer.'

This thought was found in the head of a young Kenku. His name was Elion Whyhorn. He was sitting in a room, his room. The walls were terribly mentained. Cracks and holes reviled the outside world. Elion stood up, grabbed his bag and walked out the door.


His mother's gimlet eyes pierced right through Elions back. He stopped, turned around and faced her. He put up a doe eyed look. This, however melted many things, could not melt his mother. Her piercing look changed to a elliptical one.

'Where you go?' She asked.

'the woods'

This wasn't a lie; however, he did not intend to go to the woods immediately. He would make a quick stop in the bakery.

This might sound innocent, but Elion wasn't going to pay for the bread he wanted. His mother who looked right through him and predicted his bad intentions shook her head. Before, she had her eyes fixed on Elion. Now she looked down at her claw like feet. She knew she couldn't do anything about it, so she let it go, turned around and walked away.

Elion left the little house and turned towards the bakery. One second before he entered the bakery, he heard a boy shout.

'Hey, bonehead. Where are you going?'

Elion recognized the voice. In an instant he ran in the opposite direction. He ran as fast as he could but the boy gained ground on him.  It was Goard, son of the baker. Elion sprinted through the trees, trying to lose his pursuer.

Elion's feet got stuck behind a rock. He fell hard, painfully on his face. Elion let out a harsh breath and grunted. He felt with his hand on his chest but pulled it back as if he touched a burning fire. Another stone had broken his lowest rib. He tried to crouch away in a desperate attempt to escape Goard. A hard punch on the back of his head told him he had failed. More punches followed. Elion felt his consciousness slip away and fell down, one last pain sting in his rib and everything went black.

Elion slowly opened his eyes. A burning pain in his chest brought him to consciousness. He looked too his right, terrified he got up while trying to run away. This resulted in another fall to the ground, his teeth clenched. 

Now right in front of him lay the burned corpse of Goard. He could tell because of the little metal necklace around his neck. What could have done this? He looked around and there he gazed at the enormous demon standing only a few meters away.

'Elion Whyhorn, long has thou been the victim. The tides turn and so will you. My bidding will be your law. My story is long and sad. Yours will be happy and even longer than mine. I grant you my powers. They will find me soon. Take them. Take them!'

The Demon stretched out his hand and touched Elion on the chest. It was as if he had reached enlightenment. He looked at the demon and wanted to thank him.

But before he could do this a golden hand gripped tightly around the ankle of the demon. The hand pulled him down through the earth and all of a sudden everything went silent.

 The hand pulled him down through the earth and all of a sudden everything went silent

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