The story of Elion Whyhorn 16

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Gator saw Elion waving and pointing at something behind him. Gator lay an arrow down on his bow, Stretched the string, quickly turned around and released. the arrow flew right at the middle of the beast's head but it didn't stick in the head on the contrary, it bounced right of. Gator sprang to the side and was nearly killed by the gigantic claw speeding towards him. Elion screamed in horror. Emmit grabbed an arrow, stretched her bow, pointed and released. Rowan did the same. The kept shooting as Elion was firing spells. to keep the beast back.

Rowan was firing arrows When she remembered a spell she learnt. She dropped her bow, grabbed her wand and yelled:" Ut etiam!". and a giant field formed around the putrid. it tried to break it but didn't succeed. This gave the group a quick breath. Gator concentrated and pointed his bow pulled the string backwards. the crawling of the Putridd faded into the background. gators entire mind was focused on the Little horn at the front of the putridds head. "that's it": He whispered. he pointed the arrow and released...

The story of Elion WhyhornWhere stories live. Discover now