6. Cold nights

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                        Chapter 6:
                          Cold nights

Me and Caden decided that we wanted to watch a movie and get to know each other, since we'll be living with each other for the next year or so. Caden filled the coffee table with sweets, chocolates and ice cream pots as we both sink back into the sofa.

"What movie?" He asks me as he browses through Netflix, something caught my eye.

"The tall grass." I say pointing to the Stephan Steilburg movie.

"A horror?" He asks, clearly amused by my choice of movie. "Yes." I Answer strongly, he nods his head and clicks onto the film.


We're fifty minuets into the movie and I'm scared shitless, I've already screamed and whimpered at some of the scenes, I completely regret choosing this film.

"AH FUCK!" I scream and I throw the blanket over my face, Caden erupts into laughter.

I slowly pull the blanket of my face and I see that he's turned the television off, i raise my eyebrow at him in confusion.

"I want to ask questions, Y'know get to know each other." He asks me, I nod my head and I cross my legs to get comfy.

"Favourite colour?" He asks. "Red." I answer straight away, red has always been my favourite colour.

"Favourite food?" I ask him. "Pizza." He answers in a Duh tone.

"Do you speak any other languages?" He asks me. "German, Italian and Spanish. I'm fluent in German and Italian." I answer, he looks pretty shocked but most people are.

"Do you have any siblings?" I ask him. "No but I have a uncle in Italy." He answers.

"Who are you're favourite music artists?" He asks me. "The Academic, Alfie Templeman and the neighbourhood." I smile widely.

"Where did you learn to fight?" He asks me. "My dad taught me." I answer with a smile remembering the memories.

"Why did you come back to the dorm covered in cuts and bruises?" I ask him, his face soon turns emotionless and almost.. angry.

"I'm not answering that, I think this game is over." He says with a pissed off tone, he stands up and storms out the dorm room. Damn he was right about being bipolar, I wonder why he got so annoyed at that question..

I stood up from the sofa and slowly strolled over to my bed before collapsing on top of the cheeks, very majestically by the way. I lie there on my stomach with my face buried into the pillow, I'm trying to sleep but it's useless without my pills. It feels cold and breezy tonight but I can't be bothered to move and get under the quilts.


After lying there for two hours I'm still in the same position as I was before, suddenly the door bursts open and I already know who it is so I don't bother looking or moving from my spot. I hear heavy footsteps coming towards me, my body immediately tenses and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up as I feel something cold on my neck. It feels sharp and cold, ice cold to be specific. I'm too afraid to turn around and if I'm honest I don't think I want to.

I then feel a sharp pain in the back of my neck and something warm begins to trickle down the side of my neck, blood. I jolt up to be met with an unknown face, a male. He has a mask which is covering half is face but he has dark brown eyes and a hood which covers his hair. I scramble of the bed and I place my hand to my neck, I immediately hiss and pull my hand away to see my hand is now covered in blood as well.

He begins to walk towards me and I begin to step back, he has the bloodied knife in his hand. Who is this?

My back hits a wall and amusement dances in the unknown mans eyes, i cower in the wall as he steps closer and closer until he's inches away.

"Please.." I whisper, I can feel tears streaming down my face. I feel weak when I cry but I'm definitely not ready to die, where the fuck is Caden?

"Please? Please?! I was hoping for a good fight off the one and only margo!" He begins to laugh uncontrollably, he walks closer until his face is directly inline with me. His breath makes me want to gag, cigarettes and whisky.

He places the cold bloodied knife to my neck, I can't help but cry and close my eyes tight as think over my life.

                       Seven years ago.

"Daddy! Daddy!" I squeal and I jump into his arms, he gives me a goofy smile.

"Neonata! Happy birthday." He swings me around and I giggle in response.

"Where's mama?" I smile widely as he places me back on the floor, I look around the living room for her.

"I'm not sure Neonata, how about you go look for her while I get you're presents!" He chuckles and tickles my stomach a little bit.

"Ok!" I giggle and rush upstairs, I walk down the hallway towards her room, I hear noises once I'm outside the bedroom, squeaky noises and groans and grunts. I slowly push the door open to see something I wish I never had, a man on top of my mother, thrusting inside her. I scream and they gasp both staring at me, I scream again but this time I hear quick footsteps running up the stairs.

"NEONATA? Is everything ok?!" Papa comes running upstairs, once he reaches the door way of where I'm standing he gasps when he sees what I sees, his jaw clenches and I can feel the heat radiating of him.

"Anastasia? Why? WHY?" He shouts as she reaches the door with a robe on, she begins to cry.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry victor! I didn't mean to!" She wails like a fucking dolphin.

"Mama?" I whisper and look up to meet her teary eyes.

"Yes?" She sniffles, i run over and wrap my arms around her legs, she bends down and hugs me back.

"You go downstairs and play, papa will be down in a second." She tells me, I nod and rush downstairs, once I'm downstairs I begin to play with my dolls but I soon hear shouting and yelling.

"WHY ANASTASIA? Was i not good enough for you? You have a fucking child! A child and you're still acting like a Puttana!" Papa screams.

"Victor I'm sorry! He was there and you weren't! Pensavo che tu sia fuori!" She yells back.
[i thought you were out]

"What difference would that make? You were still fucking another guy like a puttana! I didn't marry a puttana! And I definitely didn't have a child with one either!" He screams, I feel hot tears trailing down my cheeks, everything goes silent until my father comes down. He notices my state and he picks me up hugging me tightly, I wrap my legs around his waist and my small arms around his neck.

                      Flashback over.

I open my eyes to be met with the mans brown ones, but that soon changes, he soon disappears, I'm not sure if I'm dreaming but something soon happens.


Oops! Cliffhanger!
You've finally seen one of margo's flashbacks, there will be a lot of these through out this book to give you an insight to her childhood.

Im deeply sorry if I offended anyone by calling margo's mother a whore, I do not use that word willingly and happily, it's a way to describe what she doing and she way she acted.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
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