15. Trust issues and Cuddles

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Chapter 16:
Trust issues and cuddles


Over whelmed is the word that describes how I'm feeling, Caden in a fucking black suit and a white shirt which shows his tattoos seeping through the white. Holding a bunch of pink and white roses, surrounded by chocolate and ice cream. What more could a girl want?

He notices my state and he rushes over to me, leaving the flowers on the nearest table. He scoops me into a warm hug as he nuzzles his face Into the crook of my neck.

"Shhh.. Baby, why are you crying?" He asks with concern but his deep husky, sexy voice soothes my tears, my happy tears. The way he said baby made my heart flutter, it's an unforgettable feeling.

"Happy tears Cade, this is not what I expected to see." I whisper quietly as he pulls away from the hug to stare at me, amusement dances in his eyes.

"I did this because I felt guilty, what I said was wrong and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have assumed the worst, so you forgive me?" He asks with pleading eyes, I giggle and nod my head.

"You've really turned Into a man, I'm impressed." I say and I stand on my tippy toes to plant a Kiss on his cheek.

"I also did this because.. well..-" He stammers, he stops mid sentence to rub the back of his neck nervously, nervously? What has happened to Cade?

"I- will you go on a date with me? I want to get to know you, you're all I can ever think about, Margo." He blurts our quickly, I can't stop the goofy smile that creeps up onto my lips.

"Is the big bad Caden Lucifer Devin, asking me on a date?" I aks him smugly, he narrows his eyes at me playfully.

"No, I'm asking you to ride a unicorn." he says sarcastically making me giggle.

"Of course I'll go on a date with you." I smile widely and I wrap my small arms around his waist, he returns the hug.

After a few minutes we pull away, I need to ask him something important, I've always wanted to know about cadens past, why he's here.. I think this is time to ask.

"Caden." I say quietly, he looks down at me as he waits for another response, I gulp and look up at him.

"I wanted to ask.. Why are you here, y'know at this school." I ask quietly, he grabs my hand and pulls me towards his bed, I take a seat and he sits next to me, but before, he slips his suit jacket off.

"I'm here because.. Well I killed my father." He ducks his head in shame, I state at him waiting for more of an explanation.

"He was a bad man, he did bad things to me and my mother, he would hit her, hurt her and emotionally abuse her. It got to the point when she couldn't walk, I walked in on him beating the shit out of her, I was sixteen when I shot him in the head, with his own gun." He almost scowls at himself.

" My mother died in the hospital, she lost so much blood due to the beating he gave her. The funny thing is, I don't even regret shooting him, he deserved it, he killed the only woman I cared for." He growls the last part, I sit there in complete silence as he rants.

"I wish I did more, y'know? I was twice the height of my father and shit, I was stronger than him. I could've stopped him, I could've saved my mother, I was stupid, so fucking stupid." He burries his

ead in his hands, tears spill out my eyes as I feel a unwanted pang of guilt for asking him.

I remove his hands and I cup his face in my hands, forcing him to look at me.

" I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked. "I whisper as I caress his cheeks with my thumb, he gives me the most weakest smile which makes my heart shatter.

" You deserve to know, now.. What about you? Why are you here? " He asks, I pull my hands away and I place them in my lap as I take a deep breath.

"I was that kid in school who got bullied 24/7, it was usual and I got used to it, it was expected. Two years of bullying and being beat up, I finally had enough." I say quietly as I remember the moment.


I walk down the school halls, waiting for somebody to trip me up, somebody to hit me, somebody to curse at me and somebody to degrade me. I've been through two years of this, costent abuse and bullies.

Im sick of it, I'm absolutely sick of it.

"Margo!" the familiar voice of Aubrey Blackburn, I turn slowly to see her walking towards me, with her six inch heels and her minion, Amanda Blackburn.

They finally reach me, I'm welcomed with a slap across the cheek. Aubrey is the principals daughter, the teachers won't say shit about her abusing another student, it's ridiculous

"What do you want Aubrey?" I ask, my patience wearing thinandmy cheek stings like hell.

"I want your homework, your notes and your books." She says smugly, I'm classed as a nerd here because I actually have good grades.

"No." I say bravely , this is the first time I've ever spoken back to Aubrey, and I absolutely love it.

"what?" she looks quite taken back, making me smile.


Before I can comprehend what's going on, she latches onto my hair and pulls it hard until I'm on my knees, I pull her ankles and she buckles to the floor, her head bleeding. I stand up and watch how people crowed around, Amanda crying, people taking pictures and videos.

"Margo you bitch! She's dying!" Amanda cries, I gulp and slowly back away, until I'm running, running far away.


I look at the floor as caden takes in the new information.

"I see why you beat Amanda up now." He chuckle slightly, making me laugh as well.

"Yeah, I didn't mean it though, I really didn't mean to kill her." I gulp, I still feel bad, she didn't deserve to die.

"Hey hey.. Its okay, I understand." he wipes the unwanted tears off my cheeks, I didn't even realise I was crying.

"Anywho, are you excited for our date tonight?" He changes the subject with a smile.

"its tonight?" I ask him curiously, he nods with a smile.

"I'm excited, it'll be nice." I tell him with a shy smile, he pulls me in for a hug which I gladly return.

My first date, here we come.


Ahah sorry for the late update! But here it is, and I apologise for the short chapter.

How are you all doin'?
Were going into phase 2 with the coronavirus, what about you guys?

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