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Relieved I wrote down the last few words. Oh man, what a descent into hell. That was by far the most complex essay I've ever written. It was Thursday afternoon, exhausted I sunk into my chair. That was very… very… demanding… Slowly I packed up my stuff and the notes I've borrowed from Alice. God, what would I have done without them. 

I walked down the hallway into the living room, meeting Bella who sat on the Couch.

"Finally! It's done!" I cheered. She smiled and looked up from her phone. "So you're in for some Chinese takeout?"-"Always Bella, always." Soon we sat in the car, next to each other, eating noodles and spring rolls while the radio was playing some music. 

"You know, I'm glad you forced me to go with you yesterday…" I said, wiping some sweet sour sauce from the corner of my mouth. "Actually I didn't force you, we had a deal" she said, pointing her chopsticks at me in a judging way. "Yeah yeah I know… Anyways, yesterday was pretty fun… I enjoyed it, thank you" I chuckled as I grabbed a piece of chicken out of her box. She rolled her eyes and took a spring roll out of mine. "But you're right, all of them are really nice…" - "I know. Told you." She shrugged and smiled. After eating we drove back home. "Can we maybe return Alice Notes real quick? I'm not sure if she still needs them for her essay…" I asked. "Yeah sure… But they're not at home I think… Usually at this time they're-" she stopped mid sentence. "... Eh just put it in the Mailbox…" she mumbled. "Why in such a hurry?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "I… need to use the bathroom…" she said, her eyes locked on the road. "Okay…..?" I said, visibly confused.

With quick steps I returned the stack of paper, and about twenty minutes later I was back in my room, sitting on my bed, playing on my Ukulele. I was day dreaming, all sorts of thoughts and Ideas wandering around my mind. I was thinking about almost everything you could imagine. About school, the Cullens, Bella, the finished essay, some songs and what I'd eat tomorrow for breakfast. Soon I felt bored and decided to go to bed, even though it was only 9pm, but having a good, long night of sleep couldn't hurt, so I changed my clothes and dropped onto the soft bed. 


The thin folder, containing my work from the past few days, made a loud sound as it hit the teacher's desk. A big burden fell off my chest, finally I could breathe. It was such a relieving feeling to finally be finished with that annoying piece of work, even if it was very important, considering it would count as around ⅓ of my grade, because I joined mid year. 

For the first time in ages I went into my lunch break with a smile. I entered the big Cafeteria, the smell of various dishes and desserts hitting me. I looked around to find Bella, she asked me to join her this morning, not telling me where to meet her. "Are you searching for something?" A voice said behind me. I turned around to face Alice. "Oh actually yes… Bella asked me to join her during lunch, but I don't know where she is… soo…"-" The last time I saw her she was with Edward… So they'll get here sooner or later…" she said. "And as long as you want you can accompany us!" She smiled and dragged me to the others. After greeting them I sat down between Alice and Emmett, who sat next to Rosalie. I shot a little smile. The blonde female eyed me from head to toe. It was the first time seeing her, like, really seeing her up close. Somehow I had the feeling she didn't like me, probably because she shot glares at me like you'd shoot daggers at a target.  'Oh wow… How… Friendly… But she is really pretty though…' I thought. My head was resting on my palm as I let my gaze wander around. Everyone was minding their own business, chatting a little bit, but I couldn't get myself to listen. Somehow Jaspers blonde curly hair caught my eye. 'I wonder what conditioner he uses… Does he even use conditioner…?'

"He doesn't" I startled and turned around to see, to my surprise, Edward. 'What the hell, that can't be coincidence anymore...DUDE, GET OUT OF MY HEAD' I thought while drowning in confusion. Quickly Bella and Edward sat down, no one paying attention to what happened two seconds ago. As time went by almost all of them left, one by one. Lastly it was just me, Bella and Jasper. "I got to go now, see you later!" Bella said and stood up. A small wave, and then she was gone. Now it was just the two of us. As the music blasted through my headphones I looked over to the blonde male, who was currently reading a book. A very familiar one.

"20000 leagues under the sea… Isn't that kind of an old book?" I said, unplugging one side of my in ear headphones. He lifted his head to meet my hazel coloured eyes.

"Yes, it is indeed… But that isn't making it any less interesting…" - "Probably… I never was a fan of reading… It's just… I don't know… I can't even get half through the novel my grandma gave me a while ago… it's the only book I brought to Forks…" He chuckled slightly. "To be honest you also don't seem like the person to read books, don't get me wrong"-" Oh trust me, I'm absolutely fine with that" I said and continued listening to my music. "So you're an avid reader I see." He nodded. "If you've seen a lot, books seem to be the only way to enter spaces besides the possible." He said, not looking away from the page for a second. "That got deep really quick" I said. "I'm sorry" he sighed kind of nervously. "No it's okay, I've got the same with music. Sometimes your passion seems to be the only thing that makes you feel human, right?" I said, a thin smile appearing on my lips, head still resting on my palm. His eyes twitched barely noticeable.

"... I guess you're right…" 

Soon lunchtime was over and the last few periods started. At the end of the day I was just glad to have two free days to relax from now on. No work, no pressure or anything that could ruin my weekend mood. 


".... No, not again! What if she finds out?" A high pitched voice said frantically "Rosalie, she is my friend and I'll make sure she won't find out. We all really like her and she'll just be coming over for a few hours. I already asked Esme and Carlisle, they both will be at home today." Jasper nodded in agreement. "Besides that, I had… a Vision" the small female said. "Something is going to happen… Something really bad… I don't know when and how, neither why, but maybe she should stay with us for today… I don't want her to get hurt" -" But-"-"she is our only friend besides Bella and the rest of us" Rosalie sighed "Fiiine…" She rolled her eyes. "Just make sure she won't sneak around the house alone" then she was gone.

"Alice? Would you mind telling me more about your vision?" Jasper asked and sat down next to her.
"Well… As I said, I don't know when, where or why… But my intuition tells me something is going to happen today… So we might keep an eye on her…" She sighed. 


As soon as I got up I heard my phone ringing. Still sleepy I tried to grab my phone. I couldn't read who was calling, the light of the display was making me groan in pain. I accepted the call.

"Hm?" I groaned. "Good Morning sunshine!"-" Alice, are you crazy? It's-"-"10 In the morning! Right! Soo… Bella and Edward are heading out for a little trip today. I was curious if you maybe wanted to come over and hang? Being alone all day is boring, for sure" she said. "Sure… "-" Perfect. Bella is going to drop you of and then she and Edward will move along"-" Great.. Just give me… like… Two more hours of sleep, aye?" I said, rubbing my eyes. "You wished! See you later~" 

Beep beep beep

Can you see it? How it is flying away? My peaceful weekend… 

I got up and changed into some proper clothes, then headed downstairs to meet Bella for breakfast. But to be honest, I think today will be a lot of fun. 


~1540 Words

I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, please don't forget to vote on my story. ;3;

Enjoy the rest of your day~


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