Signs in between two choices

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Choices in between two choices

Aries: Being daddy OR being baby

Taurus: Being in control OR being cool and easygoing

Gemini: Being the "evil" twin OR the "nice" twin

Cancer: Leaving the toxic relationship OR staying because you see the good in everyone

Leo: Being dramatic OR playing it cool

Virgo: Hating yourself OR hating yourself and everyone else

Libra: Getting serious with one person OR keep being a hoe

Scorpio: Dressing goth OR dressing slutty

Sagittarius: Instigate fights OR be a people pleaser

Capricorn:  Being too serious OR being to confident

Aquarius: Acting like a political leader OR acting like a stoner

Pisces: Victim complex OR martyr complex


Choose one lol -Aidene♋️

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