Chapter 1 - Video Games and Virtual Deaths

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♛ Lyra's POV ♛

"Bam! I beat you!" My brother cheered in victory. This was the ninth time Jayden had won and I was not about to give up anytime soon.

"Jayden, why you do this to me?" I said in my award winning Texan accent. I fake cried as he ruffled my hair.

"Need I remind you that we are from Ontario, Canada not Texas?" He gave me a strange look.

"I firmly believe I am a citizen of the world." I crossed my arms and nodded in approval. It turns out I'm not as good at playing video games as I thought. Sibling rivalry is a huge thing in the Rose household and I can beat my older brother Jayden at just about anything. But ten games later and here I am; watching my virtual persona get blown up to trillions of tiny little pieces. It looked like confetti, fluttering down to the ground to celebrate his victory. Bloody, gory confetti with a finger or two that is. There was this one game where I won... but that was only because Jayden had gone to get a snack from the kitchen. Oh well, I'm counting it.

"Really Ly? Are you sure you're not high today? You've been acting strange ever since I got back from the kitchen with my Pringles."

"Shut up Jay, I'm not the one who has a new girlfriend practically every day here" I glared at him jokingly.

"Hey hey Brianna and I have been going out for 2 days actually!" I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Although she's starting to bore me a little bit." He mumbled. 

I looked at him, my eyes bulging. Boring him? Brianna was the only girlfriend he's ever had that didn't have a fake, squeaky voice and he's saying she's boring him? She probably didn't perform a strange sexual act for him or something.

"I swear if you break up with her, I'll stuff this controller up your ass" I whispered threateningly.

"Lyra Rose you've known me for 17 years and you still can't tell when I'm joking? And would you really risk losing your precious bracelet?" My brother mocked. 

My bracelet. It's probably one of the most important things that I'll ever own. The 8 charms that freely dangle from the chain, all symbolic of a major event that I hold dearly to, not wanting it to slip out of my tight embrace. I guess you could say I'm a hoarder - a hoarder of memories. They're all etched on to my brain, even the most painful ones, looking like a graffitied wall. Each charm is different, containing memories and emotions so powerful that they knock me off my feet and take my breath away. However, I cannot say I love it. To me, love means that you have the confidence to look out into the world around you, embrace it for all it is worth and to be able to share those experiences with those you love. Love is in the smiles of everyone I hold close, the embrace of my brother and the sunrise over the outer banks. Love is family, compassion and caring; it is the song in your soul. You cannot possess it but rather you have to let it possess you. Oh man, now I'm rambling.

"Shut up Jay! You know how important it is to me. Anyway I'm off to bed, I've got school tomorrow unlike you, Mr "I'm a Professional Football Player at University."

"Well what can I say? I've got the brains, the ability and the looks. And goodnight Ly. I'll see you in the morning."


And that's the first chapter! Ah that was so exciting oh wow. We'll probably update every week and since there's three of us, we'll rotate round and one of us will write each chapter. We have so much in store for this book oh my gosh.

Manaal (Writer number 1)

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