Chapter 9- Silent but Deadly

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♛ Lyra's POV ♛

"Phoenix, what the hell!" I squealed as the brunette pushed me. We were at the new shopping mall in town and it seemed as if the entire population of Canada was here with us. It was that packed.

"Ooh Lyra! Looking for something for Leo, are you?" Sapphire teased, and soon all three of them were having a laughing fit. Phoenix had pushed me into Victoria's Secret and I wasn't planning on waiting long enough to find out what exactly her secret was.

"Saph, for the last time, Leo and I are not. Going. Out." I gritted my teeth as I felt my cheeks turn warm, a sign that I was either embarrassed or lying.

"Your face tells a different story, sweet, sweet Lyra." Faith cooed and soon broke out into another set of giggles. We probably looked a sight; three teenagers red-faced and crying with laughter, and one lone figure groaning and frowning every few minutes.

"If you shut up, I'll tell you what actually happened." I bargained and the 'three little pigs' tried to suppress their giggles, but failed miserably.

I gave them a blank look as their faces slowly turned pink from holding in their laughter. This was not working.

"Guys!" I whined, stomping my feet and crossing my arms. I was acting like a three-year-old but, hey, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

"Okay, okay fine! We'll shut up. Just tell us already!" Phoenix surrendered and the other two followed suit.

"Unlike prior belief-" I paused to glare at Saph, who shied away immediately. "Leo and I are not, and I repeat, not getting married, and I am also not pregnant. Capiche?" They nodded their heads in unison. Saph went to open her big mouth, but one scowl from me left her incapable of remembering what she was going to say.

After five minutes of me explaining what went on that... strange... day and Faith, Sapphire and Phoenix nodding in the right places, we decided to go and get some food. Unfortunately, the new found information had intrigued the three girls even more, and so the short walk to the food court seemed to stretch on for miles.

"So let me get this straight: he threw you over his shoulder and practically kidnapped you so you guys could go ice skating together?" Faith asked with one eyebrow raised. I sighed, exasperated, and nodded.

They all aww'ed deafeningly loud, and everyone within a 100 mile radius turned to look at us, giving us weird looks and all sorts.

"Can you guys shu- is that Tiffany?" I tilted my head, confused, as I looked past the food stalls to the shop behind and saw a certain blonde bimbo holding something up against her body. Upon closer inspection, I was horrified when I saw what she was holding: a lacy, red lingerie set.

Phoenix coughed loudly, throwing the word "slut" into the mix. Faith gave her a disapproving look when she heard; she's always had a thing against swearing and bad language in general.

After seeing that horror show, the four of us had lost our appetites, so we decided to go home. But it seemed as if luck was not on my side today, because we had to walk straight past Tiffany to leave.

"Okay. Here's what we'll do." Phoenix proposed. "Lyra, you have your big scarf, right?" All three of them turned to me as I looked down.

"You mean the one I'm wearing, like, right now?" I asked slowly as I looked up at them. They looked down at my scarf in unison, Phoenix lightly blushing at her slight stupidity.

"Yeah, um, that one." She mumbled. "We'll use it to hide behind as we walk past Slutty McSlut Slut."

We gave her an incredulous look. "Slutty McSlut Slut?" Sapphire questioned.

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