Chapter 6 | Sophie

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This chapter is dedicated to @ILoveKotlc35 for reading, commenting, on every chapter since I started pretty much. <3

"Oh my god," Sophie said as she walked into the dorm. There were chocolates everywhere, on her bed, dresser, desk. She spun around in a slow circle observing the room. She picked one up to bite into it but paused halfway to her mouth. "Biana, these aren't poisonous right?"

Biana laughed, "I hope not, someone came by a half-hour ago to drop them off, told me it was to apologize for this mornings...incident."

Even though Sophie was mad at him, she was still amazed by the sheer dedication he put into it—that much chocolate must've cost at least a hundred dollars.

Still in a daze, she walked over to her bed and picked up a little note she assumed he'd left behind.

Apologies madam for the incident today, It shall most likely never happen again.

- Keefe

"The guy really is an idiot," Sophie murmured, setting the note back down on the bed and reached for some chocolates. "Biana catch," Sophie said throwing chocolate to her friend.


Sophie looked up horrified, the inside was made of this jelly stuff that splattered all over Biana's face. Biana gave her a deadly look, "I am so gonna kill you." 

Suddenly she stood up and raced out the door, not wanting to be on the receiving end of Biana's wrath.

While tearing through the halls like a wild woman, she bumped into a hard pillar—no, it wasn't a pillar—pillars aren't warm. She looked up—it was Keefe. 

"Well you came running back faster then I anticipated."

Sophie's face turned a shade a pink, "I hit Biana in the face with a chocolate—thanks for those by the way—and then she got angry, and is now chasing me down the halls. So now I've bumped into you—"

"Quite literally, might I add."

"And now—Oh crap, she's here!" Sophie said and ran behind Keefe. 

"SOPHIE ELIZABETH FOSTER, GET OVER HERE, AND THIS WON'T BE ANY MORE PAINFUL THEN NECESSARY," Biana shouted with a look in her eyes that made Sophie's every self-preservation instinct say to run. Far away. Maybe to mars. Hey, she could make friends with some Martians while there.

"Biana, I don't think you should kill your friend, if you do then you won't have anyone to put up with your annoying personality," Keefe stated calmly.

Do they know each other? Sophie wondered, they seemed to know each other,"

"Do you guys know each other?" Sophie asked the arguing duo, who were glaring daggers at each other.

Biana gave her a bewildered look, "Yeah, he's been friends with my brother for years." 

Huh, Sophie was just surprised she hadn't met him before this year. "That makes sense."

"Can we go back to our verbal sparring match now?" Biana said annoyed at Sophie for interrupting.

Sophie nodded, "Go ahead."

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