Chapter 3

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After college I made the walk back to the house, my mind occupied with what Riley and Ethan had filled me in on during lunch today. Unfortunately, I didn't even get the chance to approach Mason afterwards because simply I couldn't find him anywhere.

When I reached my street, I stared at the houses surrounding, including Mason's which was at the very end of the street and Danielle's which sat just a few doors down from me. Deciding, that I needed to speak with Danielles parents I trotted past my house and to her doorstep.

Taking a deep breathe in, I rung the doorbell before waiting patiently. It took a few seconds before the door swung open and stood in front of me was Mrs Johnson.

Her eyes widened as she looked at me, but so did mine. Her hair was cut short and messy, strands sticking out all over the place. Her eyes looked swollen, with huge bags not doing her justice underneath. Her skin looked cracked and damaged, she wasn't the same woman I had seen before I left. Then again, that is somewhat understandable given the circumstances...

"Avery, is that you?" She breathed out, her eyes begging to water. Nodding at her with a small smile, she grabbed hold of me and hugged me so tightly with nothing else being said.

She invited me in afterwards which I kindly accepted. Wiping away at her tears she turned to me as though she still couldn't truly believe I was stood in front of her. For some reason I thought mum had informed her we was returning - I mean it was only fair. Did she not get the message?

"Uh Mrs Johnson" I spoke but she cut me off with her finger pointing in the air. "Call me Louise" she interrupted.

"Yeah, sorry" I muttered. "I moved back yesterday, and thought it was only right I came and gave you a visit" I smiled gently as I glanced around her kitchen.

It was exactly the same as before, not a single thing had changed. Even the old coffee machine was still in the same place. My heart clenched at the family photo that was still hung on the wall, it was taken a few years before I had left town. Danielle was being hoisted up in the air by her dad whilst her mum was laughing at the both of them. It was a beautiful picture, and I couldn't help but also notice the severe difference in Louise - she looked so different and so broken which obviously was understandable but this was a whole different level.

"It's so good to see you dear, it's been so hard" she sighed, wiping another fresh tear that leaked from her eye.

"Danielle...she lost her fight unfortunately and it's just caused so much heartache. I'm sure you're feeling it too" she added. I nodded, pushing the strands of hair out of my face and behind my ear.

A lot more than what she thought too.

"It hurts..a lot" I admitted. "But I wanted to apologise for not being here, for the funeral" I told her truthfully, her eyes showing nothing but pain at the memory. Apart of me questioned whether that was a good thing to say, but I had to get it off my chest.

"Oh sweetheart, it's okay. Danielle would have understood" she reassured me. I gave her a thankful smile before sitting at the kitchen table as she put together some drinks.

I frowned when she opened one of the bottom cupboards and a load of alcohol bottles came flying to the ground. It ranges from wine to vodka, beer to gin - she could have opened a bar with the amount she had their. It then hit me that she wasn't just broken because of her daughter passing, she was broken because she had turned to drink.

Mum most likely had contacted her, but for all I know she could have been drunk. Had she even looked at her phone in a while? Had she remembered my mum contacting her?

Mortified she quickly brought them into her arms before chucking them back inside. "We had a little get together a few nights back" she lied, but I didn't question her, it wasn't my place to interfere.

"How is David?" I questioned, referring to Danielle's Dad. She shrugged whilst pouring two fresh glasses of lemonade.

"He's okay, I barley see him to tell you the truth Avery. He got a new job working in tech and he's just always away" she said painfully, but her eyes showed anger too.

I guess I could understand - she wanted her husband here with her to support her. But at the same time David was such a generous and loving man, I'm sure he believed he was doing what was best for the both of them. David was very close with my dad and they were very similar, one of their main familiar traits being workaholics. I always thought that one day they would end up working together.

"You should catch up with my mum at some point" I suggested, she needed friends in her life. I started to question whether she had any social life anymore, which was sad. Danielle would be so upset seeing her mother like this.

"Yeah, id like that" she smiled.

I stayed for roughly an hour just talking about old times and she spoke about Danielle and her final days. It was coming more clear to me by each minute that passed that Louise hadn't gotten over her daughters death. She clearly had a drink problem and just couldn't handle the grief, which is why she's got this anger for David not being here.

As I left her home I sighed to myself when I spotted Mason driving past. His eyes locked onto mine and he frowned realising I was at Danielles house but soon carried on to the end of the street.

Apart of me was tempted to go after him and confront him but another side of me just wanted to get home. What was the chances of him talking to me anyway? Or even catch up with his Ford ST which looked brand new and a lot faster than my legs. The Parkers were lucky in that aspect - they had money, and a lot of it.

Deciding against the idea, without giving him any further glances I walked back home.

"Darling! I was begging to worry" mum called out as I swung open the door and let myself in. The smell of spaghetti instantly made its way to my nose causing my stomach to growl in hunger. Two lots of pasta in one day was going to be an interesting one for sure.

"Sorry, I stopped at Louises" I told her sheepishly, mum stared at me in shock for a minute as she dished up my plate of food. "How is she?" She finally asked.

"Not good, she's completely broken and I think she's got an alcohol problem" I told her, I could see her eyes darken in fear for her friend. "I should have stayed in regular contact" mum sighed to herself.

Me and mum were so alike, we always blamed ourselves or felt as though there was something more we could have done. Dad was always moaning at us for it, but it was just a trait you couldn't help to have.

"I said maybe you two should catch up" I mentioned as I swirled the pasta round my fork before shoving it into my mouth. She smiled at me with a small nod before joining me at the table.

"Dad still working?" I asked, she nodded. "He is, how was your first day back?"

Well, not exactly the happiness I was exactly hoping for. Ethan and Riley were amazing and coming home to them made it so worth it but Mason really had broken my heart, just as I think I broke his.

"I'm sure Mason will come round, just give him time darling. But don't get tricked into spilling the truth" she shared after I finished explaining everything to her. Huffing I nodded and helped wash up our plates before taking myself off for a shower. Spilling the truth was all I wanted to do, it would make it so much easier but it was impossible. Would it ever be possible?

I just wanted him to forgive me and earn our friendship back, Danielle would have wanted that for us too - I knew that in my heart. After sharing some of my own tears in the shower and cleaning my mind I changed into a pair of comfortable shorts and an oversized tee. Personally my favourite outfit to sleep in.

One thing I hadn't done in ages was check Mason's social media pages. Not that I stalked him or anything but when I left that was the only way I could keep up to date with him and Danielle. Of course, Danielle kept in contact unlike Mason but it got harder with her illness suddenly striking. Besides, I think apart of her knew how hard it would affect me too and I felt guilty for it, but I think the communication got slower to protect us both.

Logging onto my Instagram I pulled up his account and frowned when the user appeared as unknown. What the hell?

I frantically searched, even across the other platforms but couldn't get a single trace on him. Had he deleted his pages or had he just deleted me?

Probably the later.

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