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Evie walked into the bathroom looking for her powder compact. Instead, she found Mal, sobs racking the petite girl's body.

"Mal," Evie gasped rushing to her best friend's side, and embracing her, " What happened? Was it Ben?"
Anger rose in Evie's stomach.
Ben was nice but so, so clueless.

"What am I going to do, E," Mal squeaked. Evie had never heard her friend sound this fragile.

"M, please. You've got to tell me what happened," Evie pleaded, blindly grasping for loo roll behind her, unable to take her eyes off of her best friend, "Was it a meeting? It's okay if you missed lunch with Ben's parents again. They really don't mind."

"Evie, I can't," Mal said but the sobs suffocated her.

"Please, please tell me," Evie pleaded, she was dabbing tissue under Mal's eyes but it felt useless against the tsunami of tears cascading down the purple-haired girl's face.

"Evie, I can't-," Shuddering breathes shook her entire body, "You're going to hate me," She finally managed.

"Stop that, Mal. That's not possible," Evie said, her own pain was taking over. What in earth had happened? "M, I need to help you, but you have to tell me what's wrong," Evie had tears welling up behind her eyes as she grasped at her best friends fingertips.

"I-" But she couldn't continue.
Mal's eyes fell shut and she slumped back against the bath; curled into a ball, in Evie's arms.

Evie froze for what felt like hours. She had never felt fear like this. Not even after her mother hit her the first time. Or walking around the Castle at night and having to hide from Maleficent.
This was real and this was Mal.
Mal didn't randomly breakdown. She didn't get panicked and she never freaked out.

Mustering up all her strength, Evie carried Mal to bed. The thought of leaving her on the tiles left her feeling nauseous.

She sat on Mal's bedside and stared at the circles under the girl's eyes; a deep purple - her favourite colour, ironically.

15 minutes later there was a pounding on the door.
Evie snapped up to open it. It was Jay and Carlos.
Before they could even open there mouths, she held her finger up to her lips and narrowed her eyes in such a way, even Ursula may have coward (Maybe an exaggeration but that is what it felt like to Jay and Carlos).

"What's wrong with her?" Carlos asked trying his best to see over Evie's shoulder.

"Evie, let us in," Jay grunted, trying his best to be quiet.

"Don't start with me right now Jay," Evie muttered, keeping her voice calm and even, scaring the boys more than if she had grunted back. "

The boys were about to argue back until they saw the glistening of Evie's eyes and the shaking of her hand against the door knob.

"Evie, hey. What's happened?" Jay said, his voice softening about ten degrees as he took Evie into a hug.
Evie relented and she felt the tears she held back roll down her cheeks.

"I don't know," She cried quietly, "I came back to the dorm and found her crying her eyes out in the bathroom, but she literally couldn't talk. I don't know what to do."
"Come on Ev, let us in. We can help," Carlos soothed, smoothing his hand over her shoulder.

With that, Evie stepped to the side giving the boys passage into the room.

Carlos rushed Mal's right and Jay the left.

Mal awoke soon enough; startled by the extra two bodies that now surrounded her.

There was silence until she started to speak - and she didn't stop speaking until she had told what she thought to be true.

"I think," and her voice broke, voice stuttering, "I'm pregnant."

Once again, the four of them sat on her bed, now with the weight of truth sitting in the air.

"So," Jay started, "Pregnant..."

Evie slapped his arm. She muttered something under her breath, barely intelligible but sounding remarkably similar to idiot.

"Everything's going to be okay," Carlos said rubbing circles on her back.

"No, it's not. You have no idea how not okay everything is going to be," Mal sobbed, tears suddenly cracking through the surface.

"Who's is it, Mal?" Evie asked suddenly, quietly.

"You can tell us. We're family," Jay urged, putting Mal's shoulder

"We love you," Chirped Carlos.
On the Isle, being open and honest was not easy, nor encouraged. But the VKs had never struggled to show it for one another, even in the small ways. And now, since Auradon, they had never felt such strength in one another - and this, was what Mal felt in the moment.

"It's Harry's."

A beat.

"That fucker," Jay spat.

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