I Swear to You

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Harry's feet carried him faster than ever before. Carlos had pulled him from his brooding on the seashore and hit him with the reality of his situations.
Harry couldn't form a sentence as he finally put the pieces together, choosing to simply gape at the smaller boy as his misconception was waved in front of his face. Instead of replying to Carlos, Harry had snapped to his feet which brought him to now, panting as he, once again,  stared at the heavy wooden door, debating his next actions.

Without another thought, he brought his hand up to knock on the glossed oak, a shaky breath leaving his tight lungs. What the fuck was actually happening?

A soft creak sounded from the rusting hinges of the door, snapping Harry from his swirling thoughts. His eyes met the same green ones he'd been dreaming of for months. 

Mal felt her lungs constrict when she saw him standing before her. She had finally calmed down and had had to force Evie to leave and go to class. Now there he stood mere meters away from her.

"Hi," he breathed.

"Hey," Mal stuttered as she let the confusion of his casual greeting cloud her face. He seemed both collected and shattered at the same time, making Mal tilt her head.

"I think I may have come to a hasty conclusion before," He breathed, "And I would really appreciate it if someone could explain this to me. Very slowly." 

Mal made no effort to speak, not trusting her own voice, she simply stepped back allowing him the space to enter the room. He complied hastily, rushing forward over the threshold as if he thought she would change her mind at any second.

They were soon stood opposite one another, Mal sucked in a deep breath before she made to speak.

"I'm sorry," Mal whimpered, feeling the familiar tears burn her eyes once again, she groaned wiping the tears before they could fall, she was so sick of crying.

"No, Mal, I'm sorry. I should've listened," Harry murmured before he pulled the shaking girl into his chest.

Mal pulled her body back but kept contact with him so she could look at his sharp features, clouded with worry for her. She looked at him dead in the eyes and spoke before she lost all her bravado, "It's your baby Harry. And I'm so sorry if that screws up your life. I don't expect anything from you. It's my mess and I ca-"

Harry's lips melded with hers and he stole her words in a searing kiss. Pulling back, he let the curve of his cool metal hook caress the side of her pale face. "Never say sorry. I want this. With you. Yeah, I'm scared shitless, I didn't exactly have the perfect parents growing up, and I don't wanna end up like them. But I want a life with you, and I want to raise this baby with you. I love you. I'm only sorry you've been doing this without me for 4 months."

Mal once again felt all air leave her system as she stared at the beautiful boy before her, "Really?" 

Harry pulled back so he could look into her eyes, pushing mulberry, and plum-coloured strands out of her faces, lightly stroking her forehead, leaning in and placing a soft kiss onto her ivory skin, "I swear to you and this baby, I am never leaving." 

Mal let her glossy eyes focus on his stormy ones before smashing her lips into his, melting into his calloused touch. She was safe. Finally home.

They stood there for what could have been seconds, minutes, hours, or even years, in a comfortable silence. Each of them basking in the other's presence, before Harry's gruff voice tore through the quiet.

"Can I see?"

"Hmm?" Mal hummed, a slight crease forming between her brows as she tried to decipher what he was asking of her.

"The bump. Can I see the bump? I'm guessing ye have some sort of magic shit to cover 4 months of pregnancy," He laughed at her soft confusion.

Mal's smile didn't falter as she waved her hand over her stomach to reveal the bump to the pirate. Harry felt a lump form in his throat when he saw the bump slowly grow from Mal's usually flat stomach. He met her eyes that seemed to be analysing him before he'd even glanced at her.

She took a step towards him and took his hand in hers. "Do you wanna feel it?"

He searched for any mocking in her eyes, not believing that such a pure being should be touched by his tainted hands, "Uh- I don't-"

But before he could finish his sentence she had placed his hand on the bump. "There we go. Can you feel them? Their kicks? The menace is being more active today. Think he's trying to play tourney with my bladder," Mal giggled as she held his hand down with her own.

"He?" Harry questioned.

Mal felt her cheeks burn slightly, "Well, I don't know for sure, but I can feel it. He's gonna be just like a miniature you." She smiled up at his shocked expression, her fingers playing with his hook. She lightly held the metal appendage before resting upon the bump. Harry flinched back lightly.

"Mal, don't put this thing near it. I don't want to -" he snapped.

"It's okay, Harry. You won't hurt them or me," she hummed nonchalantly, not understanding his sudden unease.

"I've done the unthinkable with this thing. I just don't want it near the lad ever," Harry huffed lightly, feeling his own cheeks burn as he let his vulnerability tumble past his lips.

Mal frowned at his self-deprecating words, "Harry. You would never hurt me or this baby. You need to start to forgive yourself, love," she whispered to him before swiftly changing the subject. "Our past actions don't define us."

He really could not believe his luck at finding a girl like her.

"Come, let's go get something to eat. I'm starved. It's curly fries today," She beamed dragging Harry behind her.

This is the penultimate chapter guys!! 
The next chapter will be more of an epilogue, so if that's not your thing goodbye :(

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