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"What?" Harry said. He stood frozen behind the flustered woman, now bustling around her office, gathering supplies.

Gil had stopped moving as well and was simply looking over to his friend, "What's wrong with, Mal?" The softer boy asked.

Fairy Godmother could sense the palpable tension that had arisen in the room.
Harry's teeth were now clenched and his shoulders were hunched with eyes unmoving from their place in the distance.
Gil had taken a step away from Harry, the moment he heard Mal's name. He had seen the fall out she had left and he had endured the brunt of Harry's anguish on many nights; undeservingly. So, he knew how it ended when someone mentioned her - usually with someone with missing teeth or a broken nose.

He had been feared before, but after she left, people almost ran away at the sight of him.
Not long after Mal left, Harry's father had sailed some shipments required in the neighbouring kingdom but freak storm had hit and the ship sunk; no survivors.
Captain Hook may have been an abusive and aggressive drunk but he hadn't always been that way.
When Harry was young, he would take him out for days on their ship and let him pretend to drink with the crew - that had been before Eleanor Hook had passed away. So, in memory, he had been Harry's father.
It had been a dark few weeks. Harry had gone on weekend benders disappearing for days on end. Gil had been the one to bring him in and they had slowly come back from it, but Harry had changed; he was somehow darker now.

The boys watched the woman tense up as she tried to compose herself, "We don't have time for this, let's go,"

"I'm not going with you," Harry snapped as the woman tried to usher him towards the door.

"Harry..." Gil murmured, trying to calm his friend down.

"No, mate. I'm not going - I don't want to see her," he said, his eyes shifting around the room as though looking for an escape route, "I-"
It was as if he had lost his voice, his words stolen away by a creature within his throat; fear.

"Pull yourself together, boy," Fairy Godmother snapped finally, stood at the door in waiting, "We don't have time for this, and you are needed."

His mind snapped back into focus and his eyes met the older woman's, "What do you mean?"
There was a level of desperation in his voice which he hadn't heard since-

"There's not time, but please just," she faltered, "Trust me."

✮ ✮ ✮

They reached the hallway and saw the commotion. Most of the students had filed out, thanks to Jay; some still remained but only briefly to crane their necks and see what everyone seemed to be gossiping about.

Harry studied the scene before him. Carlos was hunched over, making a phone call, he rubbed his palm over his face, and Jay was stood with his arms crossed over his chest blocking the hallway from any wanderers. His eyes then fell to the sobbing blue-haired girl who seemed wrapped up in nursing the figure sprawled on the floor beside her.

Her purple hair was splayed out around her head like a halo, and while her skin was paler than usual, she was glowing - her plump lips were parted ever-so slightly and a flush had risen on her cheeks as though she were embarrassed.
He felt his heart beating out of his chest.

"Oh my goodness, what on earth happened?" Fairy Godmother gasped, rushing towards the group, the two pirates trailed very close behind. Harry's eyes transfixed on the Mal.

"We were in the cafeteria and Ben came over and was asking her all these questions and she just lost it. They got in this heated argument in front us all and they broke up and Ben said the most horrible things to her, Fairy Godmother," Evie cried, still not noticing the figures stood behind her.

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