Legally The Worst (Mammon x F!MC)

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TW: drugs, also NSFW for sexual and other suggestive reasons.
"Oi Mammon! Why'd you come to class if all you're gonna do is text?" MC whispered to the white haired demon to her left.
Satan rolled his eyes. "He's only here to be near you, but judging by the look on his face, he's about to do something moronic for money."
MC turned her attention to the demon to her right, "What do you mean?"
Mammon jumped back into the conversation before Satan could answer. "I just got a job, pays well too!"
Satan scoffed at his brother. "Just proved my point. Dare I ask what foolishness you're doing this time?"
Before either MC or Satan could look at his DDD, Mammon quickly tucked it away to hide the information. "S'not much. Just gotta deliver some packages and get paid under the table right there." He flashed a cocky smirk with a fang bare, causing MCs heart to race.
Satan on the other hand shook his head in disappointment at his older brother. "Sounds like you're delivering drugs." He quipped.
"So what? Ya ain't gonna tell Lucifer on me are ya?"
Before Satan could answer, MC whom was intrigued by the idea spoke up. "I won't... if you let me come with!" She gave him a devious smile that would've even put some demons to shame.
Mammon's defensiveness was replaced by amusement. "Why should The Great Mammon let a smarty pants like you come with? This isn't something for goody-two-shoes like you doll face."
His words though a warning felt more like a challenge as they fell upon MCs ears. "Get rich schemes require brains, which you're going to need." She snapped back.
Listening the whole time, Satan laughed at her witty answer. "She's got a point. You're lacking the brains that she has."
"So it's settled!" She clapped her hands together getting excited. "I'll drive, you talk!"
"Woah, woah, woah! I never agreed to this!" He began to panic, he hated the idea of both her coming with and anyone other than him driving his car.
"Hmph," she had to suppress a smile while planning to call his bluff. Reaching for her DDD she began scrolling through until it reached Lucifers name. "I guess I'll just call Lucifer then." Her thumb hovered over his name.
Mammon quickly snatched her DDD away. "Okay I'm sorry! You're in but don't expect a cut of the profit!" He then looked to Satan , obviously enjoying their conversation. "And you don't tell Lucifer either!"
"Don't worry about me telling, I want to see how this plays out." A smug grin on his face as he turned his attention back to a book.
"Don't worry about paying me. I'm in this for the fun."
MC stood outside the house leaning against the car Mammon decided to use for their "adventure". She had a black leather skirt, midriff shirt, and knee high boots on. Everything about her screamed sexy but edgy.
Mammon couldn't wrap his mind around her daring choice of clothing he'd never seen her in before. Just as his mind and eyes began wondering, he noticed a devious grin appear. "I see you like the get-up Mr. Elevator Eyes." She teased.
"Sh-shut up! Like a human would get such attention from The Great Mammon!" He quickly looked away, trying to seem uninterested. "Let's get going! I'll tell you where to go!"
MC agreed and quickly sat in the car, adjusting the seat. They wasted no time leaving, and though he was originally terrified of the idea someone else driving MCs smooth handling calmed him.
"How come ya chose clothes like that? The guys we're dealing with would eat ya alive if they saw you." He didn't want his concern to show but at the same time MC had to have known dressing in such a way around shady demons could make things harder on him.
MC shrugged while stopping at a red light. "Well, this is the outfit I would usually wear when I did street racing in High-School. Fits different now, being in college."
Mammon looked her up and down again, he could see the shirt hugged her breast tightly, and the skirt showed the outline of her hips well. It was a nice sight he was enjoying perhaps a little too much.
"Ya mind staying in the car when we get to the place?" He didn't want to admit he didn't want anyone else to see her like this.
"Have you ever known me to listen?" She laughed while pulling up to the warehouse.
"I'm being serious," he growled, terrible thoughts of what the guys they were meeting with would say or do to her playing in his mind. He couldn't deny he wanted to taste, touch, feel, even fuck her too, but at least he knew how to restrain himself. "These guys are dangerous. We get there, you stay out of it."
MC never heard him be so serious before. Understanding what he was getting at, she silently nodded and put the car in park.
Mammon took a package from out the trunk then stood in front of the car, pulling out his DDD to call the person he is supposed to meet.
A shady looking demon soon walked out and nodded to the white haired demon.
"Mammon my man! I thought it was a joke when you agreed to do this."
"Like The Great Mammon would really stop! Just had to take a break after last time landed me in some deep shit." He shifted the box to one hand while holding out the other one waiting for the cash.
The demon smirked then looked over at MC sitting in the driver seat. "Cute girl you got there. Didn't think I'd see you bring a lady of the night with." He chuckled while Mammon tensed up. He thought they were far enough from the car so she wouldn't be noticed.
"It ain't like that." He grumbled, trying to keep composure.
"That so? Well how much you think she costs then? Have some white horse with her name on it if she's down to party." He asked while winking at MC, flashing a devious smile.
"I said, she ain't like that! Now where's the cash?" Mammon let out a growl while balling his hand in a fist.
"Mammon getting upset?" The shady demon taunted, a poor idea really. "When I'm done with your little human toy you can have her back. We're bro's right? Sharing is-" the demons words were cut short by a well placed fist to the jaw. The demon hit the ground with a loud thud.
Quickly Mammon grabbed the demons wallet then jumped into the passenger seat. "Gun it!" He yelled to MC.
On his command MC quickly threw the car in reverse to turn around before going into drive and making dust behind them. Mammon kept glancing back through the mirror and saw a few more demons coming out to the aid of the demon he just clocked.
"What the hell was that about?" MC yelled, dodging traffic, trying to evade the goons chasing them.
"Guy just pissed me off!" Mammon defended before grabbing hold of a handle, trying to not show how terrified he was feeling her swerve through traffic.
"Well now they're pissing me off!" MC snapped, speeding past a bus. The sound of a train whistle in the distance catching her attention.
Remembering where the train tracks she crossed were, she headed for them, a plan in mind.
In the distance the train could be seen coming. "Close your eyes!" MC yelled while pressing the gas pedal all the way down.
"The hell ya doing?!" Mammon shouted, his heart in his ears as he saw the train quickly approaching his side of the car. They both screamed as they crossed the tracks, the train barely missing them.
"Haha! Yes!" MC cried out, easing on the gas but still driving towards a tree covered trail. The adrenaline running through her she felt she could run a marathon, but knew just because a train was between them and the goons didn't mean they were free just yet.
Mammon had his hands over his head, hyperventilating. "Holy shit."
"Mammon we made it!" She celebrated.
"Holy shit."
MC soon pulled off the side of the trail, concerned he was in shock. "Can you say something else?"
"No." He sarcastically answered as he took his hands of his head before looking at her. "You're fucking crazy, ya know that?" Despite his harsh words they had a lighter than expected tone to them, even sounded a bit exhilarated.
"You love me for it." She teased as she watched him step out of the car. She expected him to get out and try and shake off the feeling of almost being killed, but instead she saw him circle around on the car.
Curious what he was doing she stepped out, then noticed he was inspecting making sure she didn't hit anything while they were getting away.
"Aw you don't trust my driving?" MC pouted and crossed her arms.
Once done freaking out, Mammon looked to her with hunger in his eyes. Instead of saying anything he cupped her face between his hands and placed a deep kiss on her lips.
MC smiled against his lips before reciprocating the gesture, pulling herself closer to him.
He took hold of her body and lifted her to sit on the front of the car, where she wrapped her arms around him. His tongue hungrily shoved its way past her lips, colliding against her tongue.
As they heavily made out she pulled him towards her as she leaned back. Before either of them knew it she was laying down on the car with him leaning over her.
A hand of his lost in her hair while another slid its way under her bra, teasing a nipple between two fingers. MC grinding her hips against his groin, she could feel his hard on being restrained by his pants.
He let out a groan before playfully biting her lip a bit too hard. Though a fang drew blood, MC moaned with from the feeling.
With a quick motion he flipped her over onto her abdomen, her feet now touching the ground as she was bent over before him.
A hand of his trailed up her skirt to cup her ass cheek while his other hand was unbuttoning his pants.
MC hearing the sound of his zipper made her even more excited. She was hoping maybe he'd make a move but only in her wildest dreams did she expect to be this victorious.
His hand under her skirt hooked a finger under her laced panties, pulling them aside. A finger then two teased her slit, causing her to whimper. "Stop teasing me." She whined while trying to position her core closer to him.
As though to oblige he brought the tip of his cock against her slit, sliding up and down against before slowly pushing in.
MC let out a gasp feeling his shaft fill her, he was bigger than any human males she's experienced.
As though thinking the same, Mammon let out a groan before saying "you're tight."
He began thrusting at a fast but steady pace, leaning forward to seductively bite and nibble at her shoulder.
MC couldn't hold in her moans feeling him roughly sliding in her. It seemed her moans encouraged him though as one of his arms wrapped under her, holding her back against his chest. The change in angle was causing him to press and push his head against her sweet spot.
Rapidly approaching a orgasm her moans  grew higher pitched and louder before she forced out "Mammon I'm about to-"
"I know." He growled before nibbling her neck just below her ear, sucking the untouched skin.
As ecstasy filled her body and her back arched away from him, she didn't notice he was climaxing too.
"Fuck, MC." He moaned out as he thrusted a few last times before pulling out.
After straightening out her clothes, MC beamed up at him as he tucked his tired member away. "We should do that again some time!"
Mammon though very glad they were lost in the adrenaline, now coming back down he was filled with more thoughts than usual, like if that really just happened, or what are they now?
He just gawped at her for a moment before finally saying "Yeah, ya weren't that bad... for a human."

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2020 ⏰

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