Chapter 2: The Asean Family

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(A/n: the image I use in this chapter is old :/)
Brunei: male
Cambodia: female
Laos: female
Myanmar: male
Singapore: male
Thailand: female
Vietnam: female
Indonesia's POV
I wake up and heard a lots of noise coming from the living room. I stood up and rub my eyes, I open the door and saw my siblings, they were doing something. I close the door "what are you guys doing..?" I ask them "well we wanted to visit you guys cause.. we all missed you three.." Brunei said "oh.. we missed you guys too" I said to all of them and they smiled. Philippines and Malaysia goes out of their room and saw their siblings "what's going on..?" They both said. I walked to them and explain everything and they nodded, "we have a gift for you guys" Cambodia said. "What is it?" The three of us said, Myanmar gave us the gift and we opened it, inside the gift was a picture of us with them and ASEAN, this made us cry and hug them. After that Philippines took the picture and put on the table so we can see it when we are lonely.

Malaysia's POV
After Philippines put the picture on the table we all talk about ourselves when we are separated from each other. We finished talking about ourselves and well.. the room got quite and we all got bored "how about we go to the park and have some fun together as a family" Thailand said and we all agree. Me, Indonesia, and Philippines go to our rooms (not together) and change our clothes, as we are finished changing we go outside our room. Me and Indonesia saw Philippines wearing a blue dress, I saw Indonesia blushing red and I push him to her "hi Ph-philia.. y-you look be-beautiful" Indonesia said while blushing red. "Aww thanks Indo" Philippines said as I saw her blushed a little and she walks to the door and opens it "let's go guys!" She said out loud so the others can hear it. Everyone goes out and Indonesia death glare me and I shrug it off, Philippines closed the door and all of us walks to the park, we all talk and talk until Brunei shout.

Brunei's POV
I saw an Ice cream seller and shout "GUYS LET'S BUY AN ICE CREAM!!" And all of them got attention to me and Philippines gasped "Ice cream!? Let's go buy ice cream guys!!" So all of us go to the Ice cream seller and buy ice creams "so, who's gonna pay all of the ice creams?" Laos said. All of us look at Singapore "what?" Singapore said with a confused face, Singapore sighed and pays the ice creams, my favorite flavor is chocolate, for Singapore bubblegum, for Philippines mango, for Malaysia vanilla, for Indonesia strawberry, for Cambodia cookies and cream, for Laos black forest, for Myanmar rocky road, for Vietnam caramel, for Thailand coconut. We all sit down and enjoy our ice creams.

Third person POV
After eating their ice creams, they all went to a mall. The girls went out to buy makeup and clothes and the boys buy some clothes and some other stuff they want to buy. After 5 hours they met up on the park and they all talk about what happened on the mall, "this is the best day ever!" Philippines said and smile. They all smile too "hey Philia" Indonesia said "yes Indo?" Philippines said as she looks at Indonesia "I have a gift for you" Indonesia said and gives her a gift "oh, thanks Indo you're so sweet" Philippines said and opens the gift. Inside the gift was a flower that smells so sweet and a chocolate, Philippines smile and hugs Indo "thank you so much" this made Indo blush red and the others look at Indo with a 'ooohhhhh someone's in love'. They all walk to the MaPhilIndo's house and talk again, they all hug each other and said their goodbyes. "Hehe did you guys have fun?" Philippines said to Mal and Indo "yeah we had fun" they both said and Philippines smiled, Philippines go to her room. After 5 minutes of silence, "should I confess to her tomorrow?? I'm kinda scared she might reject my love.." Indonesia said "just confess to her already I'm sure she wouldn't reject your love" Malaysia said with a smile to make Indo confident "heh thanks Mal.. you're the best" Indo said and smiles too. Indo goes to Philia's room and knocks on the door "Philia?" Indo said and no answer, he knock again and no answer again "I think she's sleeping, tomorrow you can confess to her" Malaysia said and pat Indo's back. Indonesia goes to his room and sleeps so does Malaysia. Indo keeps thinking what if she would reject him or she already have a boyfriend, Indo remember what Mal said so he gets ready to confess to Philippines. Indo smiled as he thinks about her and fall asleep

(A/n: uwu thanks for reading this chapter and wow 850 words uwu yay)

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