Chapter 3: Let Us Win Her 'Heart'

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(A/n: hellu guys I'm back with another chapter uwu and also Spain, America, and Japan are here in this story. This story is based on me and my friend's role play owo. And also there's no picture in this chapter I'm sorry-)

Warning: cuss words and jealousy coming from America, he wants his 'mahal' to be not taken away from Indonesia and the others.

Indonesia's POV
I woke up and yawn I go outside my room and saw Malaysia and Philippines on the table eating breakfast. I sit down and eat breakfast with them, after 2 minutes of silence "hey guys let's go to the park after we finish eating this ok?" Philippines said and we nodded our heads. As we finished eating, we go to our rooms and change our clothes.

Third person's POV
After that, they went outside their house and started walking. While they are walking, they were looking around while walking and started to talk about the nature, they arrived the park and they sit in the bench while talking 'this is my chance to confess to her' Indonesia thought. Indonesia was supposed to confess to Philippines because he was cut off by Philippines "I'm just gonna walk around this park guys no need to get worried I'll be here in a minute" she said as she walks away. "Aw sh*t I didn't even confess to her already I'm so stupid I've should confess to her already after we go to the park..!" Indonesia said disappointed to himself "don't worry there's more chance to confess to her we'll just wait for her to come back" Malaysia said with a smile "ok we'll wait for her" Indonesia said with a little smile on his face.

Philippines' POV
I was walking around the park happily until I saw America, Spain, and Japan. I tried to not notice them while I'm walking Spain, America, and Japan notice me "hola señorita~" Spain said "hey Philia.." America said while waving at me "konnichiwa Philia-chan!" Japan said while smiling at me. I giggled nervously and wave at them "ka-kamusta Ame, Spain, and Japan.." I said with a shaky tone while waving at them "you look beautiful today señorita~" Spain said as he kissed my hand. I blushed when he does it.

America's POV
'This time I won't let Indo take my mahal away from me' I thought to myself. I look to Philia and started to flirt with her, I saw her blushed even more so.. I continued flirting her cause she's so beautiful, sweet, and caring. She's only mine and no one can have her only me! I saw Japan trying to flirt to Philia and I punch him "what the f*ck are you doing!?" I shouted to Japan angrily and he stepped back while saying 'ow' I punch Spain too because he won't get my 'mahal' away from me! "Ow! America what are you doing!?" Spain shouted to me "Philia is only mine! No one will take her away from me!!" I shouted to both of them and hold Philia close to me "AHHHH!!! AME STOP IT!!" Philia shouted at me while she was shaking in fear.

Malaysia's POV
I heard a scream "Indo!! I think I heard a scream it sounded like Philia!" I said to Indo with a scared face. "F*ck she's in trouble!! Let's go!" Indo said as we run to where I heard the scream. As we arrived where I heard the scream is, we saw Spain and Japan on the ground holding their cheeks, and America holding Philippines to him. This got Indo get really mad and I hate to see him like this like really- he's so scary when he gets mad. Indo grab his bamboo (A/n: I forgot what his weapon called ack- I'm so sorry-) "give me Philia back!!" Indo shouted to America "never she's only mine!!" America shouted back to Indo.

Third Person's POV
Spain and Japan left the four and go to their house to heal their face that got punched by America. Indonesia throws his bamboo to America, America dodge it, America grabs his gun and started to shot Indonesia "Mal! Stay hidden and call the police!" Indonesia said and Malaysia followed what he said. Indonesia dodges the bullets, lucky him his body is flexible so he can avoid the bullets. "AMERICA PLEASE STOP!!" Philippines shout and cried "GIVE ME PHILIA BACK NOW!!" Indonesia shouted angrily to America and he runs to get his bamboo. America was still shooting Indonesia until he ran out of bullets "sh*t" America whispered and he tied Philippines and tape her mouth. Indonesia and America started to fight and Malaysia walks behind Philippines and takes the tape off "be quite Indonesia is distracting America" Malaysia whispered to Philippines and unties her. Malaysia and Philippines walks away and they the police, they tell where America is and they arrested him.

Philippines' POV
I run to Indonesia and hug him "OMG INDO ARE YOU OK!?" I saw Indonesia smiled at me "hehe I'm fine.. ow" I saw he has wounds and bruises "you're not ok! Look you have wounds and bruises let's go home and heal those wounds and bruises" I said holding his hand and saw him with a little blush on his face "Mal let's go now" I hear Indonesia call Malaysia and we walk to home.

Third person's POV (again)
As the MaPhilIndo walk home, Malaysia opened the door and Indonesia sits on couch. Philippines goes to the bathroom to get the first aid kit and she went back to Indonesia. Philippines sits beside Indonesia and puts down the first aid kit "Indo get ready this may hurt a little" Philippines said as she cleaned his bruises, Philippines hear Indonesia saying 'ow' and bandage his wounds "there all done" Philippines said as she smile at him.

Indonesia's POV
"Hey Philia.." I said and look at her, "yes Indo?" She said as she looks at me too. "I have something to tell you" I said while blushing "what is it?" She said as she tilt her head little "I-i like you.." I said looking down so she won't see my face as red as a tomato. "I-i like you too" she said while blushing and smiling "I thought you might reject my love.." I said holding her hand "what!? I would never reject your love since your so sweet" she said while smiling again I kissed her in the lips and she kissed back too. "I love you" I said "I love you too" she said and hug me, I hugged back.

(A/n: thanks so much for reading this guys!! And wow 1,126 words that's pretty long I guess owo)

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2020 ⏰

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