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Max's POV

Happiness is fire in my veins and electricity across my skin as I climb into Saira's truck. She grins at me, then pulls away from my house. How she learned where I live, I'll never know.

I can hear my mom screaming in rage. I flinch, and Saira glances at me. "Do you need more lavender?" she asks with a slight smile. I shake my head, and say, "I put it in my room a few days ago. I had horrible dreams. They were weird, though. Like memories of another person."

Saira's slight smile turns into a scowl, which confuses me. Her voice is forcefully light as she asks, "What were the dreams like?" I blink at her, but answer, "A little girl with a bullet wound. A burning cabin in the woods with screams coming from inside. A guy killing himself, then the cop next to him falling to his knees. An old woman getting electrocuted. And a bunch of others. I can't, and really don't, want to remember them all."

Saira's grip tightens on the wheel, and I see anger flash across her face. I open my mouth to ask her what's wrong, but she says softly, "Don't, Max. I'm fine." I close my mouth, and decide that pissing Saira off would not go in my way tonight.

I shifted in my seat, the silence in the truck practically suffocating me. Saira glances at me, and says, "You can talk, you know. I won't bite." I grin sheepishly, and my fingers drum on my knees.

My heart feels like it's beating too fast. My blood seems to be rushing through my body at the speed of light. I feel lightheaded and dizzy. I remember feeling this way a few days ago, in the woods with Saira. When I pushed her against a tree and tried to kiss her.

Back then, I had thought myself an incredible idiot. Saira had pushed me away and ran off, leaving me lost in the woods until I finally found my way out. By that time, though, the moon had risen, and a pair of eyes gleamed at me from the trees.

When I turned towards the eyes, though, they disappeared. The footsteps of a heavy animal echoed through the trees, but I knew exactly what had been staring at me: the man from the lake, with the strange eyes and hair. But only if he had been the size of a horse, with large dog paws.

I had wanted to talk to Saira about it, but that night the nightmares set in. I saw more blood in my dreams than I ever had in real life. I saw dead bodies, people killing themselves, fires and ash and blood. My life seemed like an endless torrent of fear and pain. Until last night, when no dreams came to me.

I blink back to the present, and find that Saira is on the highway, heading towards Joplin. It's a forty-five-minute drive, my dad says, though I've never timed it. Now, I might count down the minutes until I can get out of this truck. I don't want another incident like the one in the woods, where my hormones got the best of me.

Saira punches my shoulder, and I glance over at her. She smiles, and I smile back. She turns her eyes back to the road, which is lit by headlights and a couple of stars. The moon is full overhead, casting everything in a silver sheen.

"What's on your mind?" Saira asks, flipping on her turn signal so she can switch lanes. I shuffle my legs, one of which is asleep, and lie, "Not much. You?" Saira's gaze flashes over to mine, then back to the road as someone cuts in front of her.

"A lot of things," she says, a scowl on her face. I cock my head at her, and marvel at the way the headlights on the road flash across her glasses, shielding her eyes from my view.

"Like what?" I ask. I hate how my voice drops, how my body responds to her attention on me, how I can feel so happy just sitting next to her. I hate how she makes me feel so complete, given my history with women that made me feel that way.

Saira doesn't look at me as she says, "Your dreams, for one. They sound strange. Also, what are we going to do once we get to Miss Andromeda's? You aren't planning on breaking in, are you?"

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