Sleepless Night

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The night before school is always the worst. Especially for me. I always think of what might happen on the first day. Like if I'll ever make friends, or if I'll ever find some new kid that really likes me. But we all know that won't happen. Anyways, tonight is going to be even worse. Every year, on the night before school, there is an end of the summer party. At least 500 people go and get themselves hammered at party where there's a whole bunch sweaty gross people bumbping and grinding on each other. As you have heard, that's not my kind of party. My kind of party consists of me reading or mainly going on twitter and eating. The thing is that the party takes place next door, at Luke Hemmings house.

An hour into me trying to sleep, the music is blasting and I'm pretty sure I can smell the alcohol from where I am. It's really disgusting thinking that people would drink that poison. So many people have died from it and so many people are in the hospital for it. That's why I'd rather not drink. 

I look out of my window to see people fighting in the neighbors yard. Probably because some guy was sleeping with the other guys' girlfriend. I watch as they throw punches at each other. One of the guys fell to the ground in pain. He then got up and kneed the other guy in the gut. He fell to the ground and was out for the count. Everybody left the scene like nothing happened. He looked pretty beat up and I contemplated whether I should go help him or not. 

I finally decided that I should go and help him. I may not know him, but he still needed help. I put on my sneakers and a sweater then walked outside to help him.

"What's your name?" I asked him

No answer.

That was when I decided to pick him up and carry him into my house.

I brought him up to my room and layed him down onto my bed. I then went to the bathroom to get my first aid kit to patch him up. I put a few band aids on some of the parts where he was bleeding and just let him lay there.

He layed there for a good hour or so until he woke up.

"Where am I?" he asked.

"You are at my house. You kinda got into a fight with another guy and he knocked you out. I didn't want to be mean and leave you there hurt, so I brought you up to my room and fixed you up." I said proudly.

"Well, uh, thanks. I think I should be going, it's a little late and I need to get some sleep for school." he said.

"Okay, be careful though. But before you go, can I ask what you name is?"

"Cole. Cole Parker."

And with that, he was gone.

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