Could My Life Get Any Worse?

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After I was done at my locker, I pulled out my schedule and walked to my first class, Geometry.

As I entered the class for geometry, I noticed that I was very early. The teacher looked up and said hello to me as I went and found my seat. 

I then got my computer out and started going on tumblr. (A/N: At my school we get to use computers and bring them home. I don't know if any of you do.)

I was on tumblr for at least 20 minutes before the bell rang and people started pouring into the classroom. 

I watched as people were taking their seats next to their best friends and their boyfriends/ girlfriends or as they would call it, their "baes".

We had at least 3 minutes until second bell rang for class to start, so I passed the time by going on my computer and started listening to Pandora. Music is my only escape from the world and it helps me ignore all the people that hate me.

The final bell rang and everybody scattered to their seats like the teacher was going to kill them if they did something wrong.

"Hello class. I'm Mrs.Thompson and welcome to Geometry!" She said in an enthusiastic tone.

Practically everyone in the class groaned because nobody likes geometry. Or any kind of math at that.

"Oh don't groan! Geometry is fun and it's important for things that you do in the future."

"Yeah, because I want to use math to sit down, watch t.v all day, and eat everything in my house." I mumbled to myself.

The teacher then continued on with class.

"Okay class. The unit we are going to be learning about for the next couple of weeks is 'Geometric Structure'."

She then told us to take out a sheet of paper to take notes on.

I watched as the rest of the class took out a sheet of paper and started writing things down that the teacher had put on the board.

The things that she put down on the board looked a little confusing. She wrote down things like, bisector, coplanar, collinear, and other things that I didn't really care about. 

As you can expect, I didn't write anything down, because why would I write something down that I'm not going to use in the future?

I then put my head down onto the desk and took a little nap.

I awoke about 20 minutes later when the bell rang and the teacher was standing in front of me with a stern look on her face. Now I'm in trouble.

"I'm not happy with the way you fell asleep during my lesson Miss Jensen."

"Well I'm sorry if I fell asleep during a lesson that was going to bore me to death." I replied with an attitude.

"Well I'm sorry that you're going to get a tutor. They'll help you stay awake during class and make sure you get every bit of homework done."

I looked at her with my mouth gaped open.

"I don't need a freaking tutor! I'm perfectly capable of getting my work turned in!"

"Apparently not if you're falling asleep during my lesson."

Ugh. Could my life get any worse? Hopefully not.

"I am assigning you one of my top students. He gets his work turned in on time and he is a straight A student. His name is Luke Hemmings."

The two words I didn't want to hear come out of her mouth. Those two ungodly words that made me cringe whenever somebody said them. I guess I was wrong. Life could get worse.

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