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Lucy POV
Forcing my eyes to open to the already bright room which was filled with chattering sound was not easy.

The smell of antiseptics and overly cleaned rooms filled my scents, I was definitely in a hospital room.

"Shh shh she's walking up."someone said hushing the other visitor.

"Lucy,You are coming back to the pack right now!!"a voice thundered,which was followed by a smack and a shout of "owww"

Struggling to sit up against the bed post,I looked at the visitors in my room,
Alpha Oliver and Luna Phoebe.

"Dear,drink some water."Luna Phoebe offered me. I took a sip from the straw, "It must have been ages since I drank some water."I thought to myself.

"How long?"I asked my Alpha.

"A week."he replied solemnly. I nodded my head.

A knock came from the the door,"Your guests have arrived."

I scrunched up my eyebrows in confusion."Guests?What guest"I thought

Beta Liam rushed in,followed by Private Elijah who stood awkwardly at the door.

Liam quickly engulfed me in a hug and asked "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Why didn't you tell me about your friend?"I responded back.

"Do I even want to know,how you know or when you knew ?"he asked

I rolled my eyes and replied "2nd day."
I caught sight of his royal birthmark on his right arm when he had to shift to his wolf. Not a lot of people know about the the birth mark,it was smartly covered up by tribal tattoos. "How did both of you know?"I asked looking at Private Elijah who was now leaning at the wall.

"The King told us,we had to make contact with Major Alistaire but you were put into a coma."Beta Liam replied.

I picked my fingers and nodded my head at the news, apologizing "Sorry for lying to all of you."

They both smiled and Private Elijah said"We should have been inside helping you take those rouges down."he replied, he was no doubt angryat himself. I shook my head slightly and quickly changed the topic to  happier one and asked"Did Rick find his mate?"

"Yes."he answered,but his tone seemed depressed.

"What's wrong?"I asked.

"Her mother came forth and confessed to being a rat,she is being questioned as of now."He replied.

"What??NOO!!"I shouted."Fuck I thought I had more time."I yelled out pulling out the IV drip from my hand and jumping out of the bed.

Private Elijah and Beta Liam was shocked at my actions and told me to stop and that everything was taken care of.Dimwits.

"Fuck!Fuck!"I stumbled a little at my feet,my legs were still weak,so I held onto the bed post to stop myself from falling,besides the apparent weakness in my knees,I seemed to be healed.

"Royal Beta Liam,can you stall them? Long enough for me to speak to the King. Private Elijah wait for me outside,we will leave together to wherever the questioning is to be held."
I rushed out.

"Are there any damn clothes for me to wear?"I asked the room of confused people.

"I have an extra set of Liam's hoodie and shorts in the car."Luna Phoebe who was the first to shake herself out of the shock daze replied.

"Good enough"I replied,mentally thanking the Goddess that it wasn't a dress.

Luna Phoebe rushed out to get the clothings and Liam left the room as well.

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