Part 1

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Elizabeth wakes up to her phone ringing. She looks at the  clock next to her. 


She grabs her phone and answers the call.

Elizabeth: Hello?

Person on the phone: Hi, is this Elizabeth?

Elizabeth: Yes, who is this.

Person on the phone: This is Dr. Robinson. I called to talk to you about your leg problems you've been having.

Elizabeth: Oh, sorry Dr. Robinson. What did the results say?

Dr. Robinson: I'm sorry to say this to you, Elizabeth, but you tore your ACF. You will have to come in soon to get a metal rod put in your leg.

Elizabeth: You're kidding me! How long will it be until I can play softball again?

Dr. Robinson: Who knows. It depends how quickly your leg heals.

Elizabeth: Ugh, ok. Thank you Dr. Robinson.

Dr. Robinson:  Anytime. Have a good day. I'll call you tomorrow to schedule your appointment.

Elizabeth: Ok, talk to you tomorrow.

Dr. Robinson: Ok.

She hangs up the phone and sighs. Ashley walks in and sees you're upset.

Ashley: What's up?

Elizabeth: The doctor says I tore my ACF, so I mot likely can't play softball for the rest of the season.

Elizabeth huffs and starts to tear up.

Ashley: Don't worry, Ellie. You'll be better than ever next season.

Leah walks in to see Elizabeth crying.

Leah: What happened?! 

She sounded panicky.

Leah: Did Zach break up with you? If he did I'll beat his ass up.

Ashley: No, they didn't break up. The doctors said her leg problems were because she tore her ACF. She can't play for the rest of the year.

Leah: You're kidding?!

Ashley: That's what I said.

Elizabeth: Yeah, so... the doctor said I need surgery.

Leah and Ashley: What?!

Elizabeth: Yeah... I need a metal rod to be put in my leg.

Leah: I already call bringing you!

Ashley: Well, maybe she can tell Zach and he can bring her because, you know, that's what boyfriends do.

Leah: Oh, yea!

Ashley and Leah walk out and Elizabeth pick up her phone to call Zach.

------------------- Author's note----------------------

Hey guys! Thanks for reading. I know it's kind of boring right now, but it will get better, I promise.

Follow me on my socials:

Insta: seavey.besson.avery

Tiktok: jackaverymsiuc

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Can you tell what username I like the most? Lmao.

Anyways, byeeeeeeee

~xoxo jackaverymsiuc

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