Chapter 13

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                                                       Max watched Bill laugh. It sounded like the most terrifying sound he had ever heard. Max backed away. This couldn't be happening. Any minute now, he would wake up from whatever twisted nightmare he was having now. Max pinched himself. Shit. He wasn't dreaming. 

                         "Oh, Broken-Heart, you are adorable! I think you know exactly  what I'm doing here." Bill said. Max's eyes widened. 

                      "T-that deal was a one time thing only! I was emotional, and couldn't see that I was dealing with a monster." Max snapped, glaring at Bill in a show of defiance. Bill laughed.

                     "I'm not here for that deal...yet. I'm here about that spell your friends did to get me out of your body." Bill said calmly. Max raised a eyebrow. This was not what he had been expecting, but he still didn't like it.

                                      "What about it, Bill? Are you just mad because I was smart enough to quickly get them to help me?" Max asked, pretending to look smug while inwardly dying inside. This was fucking terrifying.

                                                     "Don't test my patience." Bill simply said. Max glared at him. "Anyways, your friends are not as smart as they seem. They used the right spell, but as humans usually do, they didn't read the fine print!" Bill exclaimed, seeming almost gleeful.

                           "What are you getting at?" Max demanded to know, terror coursing through him. Bill stopped his pacing at got closer to Max.

                                           "It means that YOU can't use magic, or else face the inevitable." Bill said. Bill snapped his fingers, and Max saw himself laying on the ground, motionless. Backing up, Max was shaking.

                                     "Am I dead?!" Max exclaimed. Bill glanced at vision-Max.

"Not yet. You won't actually die when using magic unless it's a really powerful spell...or unless..." Bill suddenly appeared closer to Max. Max jumped back. "Or unless you have a long-running deal with ME!" Bill announced. Max had no more space to back up as Bill took his hand, forcing Max to face him. "And we both know that deal you made was not worded specifically, meaning that I can possess you anytime I want." Bill said.

                  "No!" Max shook his hand away from Bill's. The tent opened. Nikki was standing there. How long had she been there? "Nikki, go!" Max yelled. Nikki ignored him, running up to him instead.

                "Max! What happened? Did he just appear like that?" Nikki asked urgently. Max couldn't answer. He was shaking too hard.

                            " long were you there?" Max managed to ask, a lump in his throat. Nikki winced. Oh god she'd been there the whole time hadn't she. "Shit." Max cursed.

                    "Max, oh god....are you ok?" Nikki asked him. Bill appeared behind him. Nikki gritted her teeth. "FUCK OFF, YOU NACHO LOOKING MANIAC!" Nikki yelled. Bill laughed, and disappeared. The color returned to the tent.

               "You heard what he said." Max replied to her question. Nikki's face transformed into a picture of pain. Nikki hugged him. Max hugged her back. When they were done hugging, Nikki cleared her throat. "Look, Max...I came here to talk to you about something...but now is not the right time obviously." Nikki said.

               "Nikki, I'm ok now. Just tell me. I'm dying to know." Max said, calming down a little bit. He managed a reassuring smile at Nikki. Nikki took in a deep breath.

                          "Well....I found out that you had seen Neil kiss him. I just- I wanted you to know that I don't like him. He forced that kiss. I was actually confronting him about everything when he suddenly did that. is not the right time, but know that I'm here for you...and I think when your ready am." Nikki confessed everything.

                "Well, we both have a knack for not timing confessions right." Max shakily joked. Nikki, caught off guard, laughed as well. "Look, Nikki. I'm not ready right this minute, obviously. However, I think that when tomorrow comes, I'll realize that Bill is just a evil guy who is lying to scare  the shit out of me. I will be ok, but for today, I'm a little bit damaged." Max said. Nikki looked at him carefully.

                        "Do you think we'll ever not be damaged in some way or another?" Nikki asked mindlessly. Max looked at her and chuckled.

           "Nikki, I'm a cynical pessimist. I'm the worst person to ask that too if you want any hope." Max laughed quietly. Nikki grinned and nodded in agreement.

           "Yes, but you are very quick to bounce back from stuff that should traumatize you for life. I admire you for that Max. You have been through so much shit lately, yet you always try and live like normal. You give off no hint of being traumatized like I would have been." Nikki said. Max sighed.

                             "Yeah...It's mostly cause I have the most awesome friends in the world who stand by me no matter what." Max said, smiling gratefully at Nikki. Max didn't understand how he was feeling to happy right now despite the depression and fear he should have been feeling from everything Bill did. Somehow, this amazing girl who had been his camp friend for years now managed to make him happy on his worst days.

                               "Your amazing." Nikki said. Max chuckled.

                    "No, I'm not. But you are." Max said, trying to convey how much he meant it into his voice. Nikki smiled. The two hugged again before Max finally found the strength to get up and clean up some stuff that Bill had accidentally knocked down.   

                                            "Max, are you alright?" Dipper came in while Max and Nikki were cleaning. He sat on the cot and Max explained exactly what had happened. Dipper's eyes widened. "Oh crap. It's my fault for doing that spell, Max. I should have read the whole thing of it before doing it.  I'm so sorry." Dipper apologized.

              "Dude, it's fine. I don't need to do magic anyway, so it really doesn't effect me anyways." Max said confidently. Dipper nodded, realizing that this was true.

                       Together, the three of them cleaned up the tent, and went to the campfire where David and the others waited for the night activities to begin. 


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