"Haha! Come on Roxa!" I yelled at my dog that was chasing me. Roxa is a mix of a few different breeds and a pure silver color. My father gave her to me when I was 11 years old, now 16. I made it to the top of the grassy hill only to tumble down on the other side when Roxa pushed me with her big head.
She barked, running down the hill after me again. I sat up at the bottom holding my head from the dizziness. Roxa licked my face and I giggled.
"Silly girl" I pat her head as she lays down and puts her head on my lap. I lay on my back looking up at the blue sky with white clouds looking like cotton. I close my eyes and listen. I can hear a herd of sheep baaing some horse neighs here and there more dogs barking and Roxa's heavy breathing from running.
"Ahh, Roxa I never want to leave this place. This is the best place I've ever been to and I got to have you with me!" I smile and open my eyes when I hear footsteps coming closer.
"I thought you'd be somewhere around here" Ares sat down next to me. Ares is my best friend, with his red hair, golden eyes and fox ears that he still struggles to keep hidden at times. I say they are the cutest things ever.
"Hey" I turn my head and look up at him, he surely is gorgeous with his strong build and confidence, he is the only real fighter in my village. Father tells me he was or is a Fox warrior of some sort but since he's been living here, there's not much fighting he can do.
He could be with anyone he wanted but no. He chooses to stay with me, he says he isn't interested. He's only a few years older then me so the age difference doesn't bother me all to much.
So he just helps out all around the small village. I do watch him practicing with swords and a few guns from time to time. He has tried to teach me some but I was never really good at those things. This one time, I was target shooting and missed the target. The bullet hit off of a post and came back and went right through his arm. I felt so bad that day, I avoided Ares for a whole week. He said it was alright and he forgave me immediately but I didn't forgive myself.
I am good at bows and arrows though. Ares says I have a perfect shot, he has never seen anyone as good as me with a bow. I practice everyday for hours, until my arms begin to hurt and Ares complains about me hurting myself. I usually just roll my eyes and stop until later that day.
"What have you been up to?" Ares asks.
"You know the usual, chores, herding the horses then practice." I let out a big sigh, "Then just played around with Roxa. How about you? What did you do?" I question closing my eyes again.
"I helped Fay and Albert with their crops, sold some veggies and worked on the Miller's farm for the rest of the day then I came here." He explained and I nodded.
"Also I just wanted to see you" He smiled down at me. We sat in comfortable silence for a while when I sensed him lay down and Roxa grumbled. Some days she is okay with him other days Roxa just doesn't like Ares.
I rest my hand on her head and start singing,
My little babies,
My sweet girl and my daring boy
Stay side by side
And nothing shall separate you
For together you are familyIt's a song my mother taught my brother and I when we were younger. I actually don't know much about them or if they are even alive. I don't really think about it much either since they left dad and I.
It also relaxes Roxa and people say my voice is so beautiful that its a gift to be heard. I smile at that thought, a gift to be heard.
"Your voice never seizes to amaze me, Andra." Ares whispers, I peek a look at him and his eyes are closed too. This is perfect, my dog, bestfriend and I laying down and relaxing together.

A01 Virus
ActionThe A01 virus infects animals, by turning them into already extinct creatures. Scientists worked on a cure for 15 years and finally found one but it was hard to control. A little girl who can create the beasts and a little boy who can control the...