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you were sitting in the bedroom. you were just finishing your chemistry assignment, just one last problem!! the floor was covered in papers...so much homework strewn across the carpet. it was a friday afternoon, you both were exhausted from the tiring school week. you put your pencil down and sat up straight; you stretched your back and rolled your neck with a relieved sigh. he was still looking down at his computer, rapidly typing. he was opening and closing his mouth while typing-- practically whispering the words as he hit the keys. he looked fixated on the work, his hair fell slightly into his eyes. it was nice to see him so entranced in something...maybe that was not the right word. entranced was too loving; it was a word he used with you. something he used when he was describing how he felt about you. focused...that was a more fitting word. it was only schoolwork after all.

the window was open slightly to let in fresh air. it was usually sweltering here, but today it was strangely humid. a faint chill blew in and made you shiver. you stood up and cautiously stepped around the mass of assignments. you opened the closet door and rummaged through the hangers. you pulled down his jacket. it was a dark green jock jacket which he used to wear regularly. he gifted it to you on your three month anniversary along with the promise rings you both wore. you had always thought that monthly anniversaries were unnecessary but he insisted that you let him give you a gift. it was very...high school sweetheart of him. you put the jacket on and felt a rush of warmth. it was cheesy to admit, but you really liked wearing the jacket because it had that smell of him lingering on it. you walked back to your spot on the floor and dropped down to sit. "nice jacket," he said without looking up from the screen. you laughed and hugged yourself with the oversized sleeves. he clicked something on the computer and waited a moment. instantaneously, he shut the laptop and threw his arms in the air. "DONE!! finally~" he fell back and lay there on the floor. you gathered the papers around you into a stack. he continued to lay there, looking as though he could fall asleep. "your mum asked us to go to the grocery store when we were done with homework," you reminded him. "uuuggghhh...i know. just a few minutes," his voice drifted off on the last few words. you giggled and resumed organizing the papers. it would be such a pain to go out now, with the humidity thick in the air. generally, the weather was dry and hot here. you thought you may never get used to it. how you longed for the refreshing taste of rain. a shower of coolness to wash away the restless feeling in your body.

that's when it started, like magic; the tapping on the window's glass. you rotated your head to the side and looked out. the sky was grey...dark clouds rolling over the horizon. rain started to pour...rain!! arrows of water shooting down from the sky like bullets. you were shocked...and thrilled? you had to go out in it--you had to!! you popped up and jumped over his body lying on the floor. he opened his eyes, startled. "where are you going??" he asked as you ran down the stairs. hurriedly, you tossed on your shoes. you heard him stand up and start walking downstairs as you opened the front door. the rain was storming; bucketing down in the front lawn and the street. the rain was like a grey sheet covering the surroundings...it was a comfort to you. you raced out of the house, up the walkway and onto the sidewalk. who cared about how your hair got drenched? you spread your arms out and spun around. the rain was cold, but it was a welcome gift in this normally scorching city. in the distance you heard him shout 'wait!'. you could not stop yourself, you wanted to dance in the rain.

you did not notice the sound of his footsteps splashing in on the pavement. swiftly, two arms wrapped around your waist. he pulled your back to his chest; he was panting slightly. "you are going to catch a cold, why didn't you take an umbrella?" he asked in a concerned tone. "i...i wanted to feel the rain, it hasn't rained in so long..." you felt embarrassed to say that out loud. you sounded corny, like a girl in a teen rom-com. with a sigh, he rested his chin on top of your sopping head. he rested one arm across your chest, tightly holding your shoulder. the rain cascaded down over your faces, your clothes bled through with water. he sniffled, you took in a breath of rainy air. you both started to sway slightly in the downpour, your head falling back under his chin. "i suppose we should take the bus to the supermarket," you felt stupid for breaking the silence. he let out a deep laugh, his voice was low. you held your hand out and let the droplets hit your palm. you turned over your hand and looked at the promise ring. it sparkled in the storm--like it was a glittering raindrop itself. he noticed you looking at it and held up his own hand. his ring also glistened in the storm. you interlock your fingers with his, proceeding to sway, letting the rain fall.

a high school sweetheart agendaWhere stories live. Discover now