end of the day

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the washcloth left behind a soapy smear on the black countertop. everyone was in the back packing up, so you were left with wiping down everything. you reached your arms over the cashier counter and sighed. it had been an exhausting day...coming straight from school to your part-time job. it was an excruciatingly hot day, no wonder so many customers ordered venti-sized iced drinks. the swirling of peach flavorings and floral teas seemed like an easy enough task in the beginning, but after today you realized barista life was perhaps more draining than your chemistry class. generally, you tried to work shifts on the weekends; you were better off concocting drinks when you did not have substantial homework. however, you had been sick last weekend and needed the money (you were saving up to buy him a gift for valentine's day). fortunately, there was an open shift for you today...but it was at the cost of missing his swim meet. you had wanted to go support him and panicked when you had to find a way to explain your reason to miss out. but of course with a smile, he said he understood. you still planned to meet him back at his house afterwards...but the sun was already dipping low in the sky. maybe, you might have to let him down again.

you stood up straight and took off the pine-green apron. you looked down to see a dusting of white powder on your clothes. sugar...or vanilla flavoring?? it did not matter. you tried to brush it off but it just tainted the black fabric even more. at that point, you gave up and turned to open the door to the back room. finally, you could go home and crash on the-- the front door swung open. you whipped around to see who could possibly be coming in after you finished cleaning up. he barged in with his backpack swinging on one shoulder; he tossed his hair out of his face as the door shut behind him. you remained at the back door as he walked up to the counter. suddenly, the door opened slightly and one of the employees poked her head out. "another one?? but we were just about to leave," she whined quietly. you leaned your head into the door. "it's okay...i can take care of this one. you all just head home," you whispered back. the door shut instantly and you walked back to the counter.

cheekily, he smiled as you rested your arms on the black marble. "the meet ended early, i thought i could come pick you up," his voice was low, like he was telling you some kind of childish secret. "that's...very sweet of you..." you responded, in complete honesty. "well, what can i get you?" you asked awkwardly, in a joking sense. obviously the stunt was missed because he started reading the menu above your head. he stood there pondering over the selection of coffees and teas with a curious glimmer in his eyes. after one-too-many moments he tilted his head back down. "uhm...i think...the...uh...caramel macchiato," he requested with an unsure tone. "really? caramel macchiato?? i thought you were more adventurous~" you teased. he blushed a little and put his hands down on the counter. "i haven't tried much on the menu, i don't even know what a frappuccino is!!" he was absolutely adorable when he tried to explain himself. "okayyy~~" you giggled, trying to hide your flushed cheeks. "if you think that's too boring why don't you just make me something?" he was challenging you. "hmmmm...alright fine, but don't be surprised if it like...sucks..." you took up the dare.

you grabbed a plastic takeaway cup and pumped in a shot of vanilla syrup. next up was cinnamon, for a spicy kick. you pulled out a jug of iced black coffee and a carton of milk. you added those to the cup along with ice...but it needed one more thing. chocolate!! sweet and rich to combat the bitter coffee. finally giving the whole mess a swirl, you laughed nervously as you handed it to him with a straw and a lid. he raised an eyebrow at you, but you just grinned in response. "that'll be $4.50," you chuckled.

he walked over to a table near the pick up counter. you sat across from him. it was easing to sit down after the tiresome day. he took the freshly-mixed drink and hesitated. after a moment he took a wary sip; then he set the cup down in front of you. "try it," he commanded. you took a slow sip and sat back in the chair. "it's not...awful," it truly was not in your opinion. "it's...pretty sweet, but i like it," he nodded in agreement. he slid the cold drink back over to his end. you relaxed for a minute in silence; all of your coworkers left. you let out a heavy sigh, then propped your elbows up on the table. "how was the meet?" you forgot to ask previously. "same as usual, i think the chlorine is starting to get to me," he tried to make it sound lighthearted. "but tell me, how was your shift? it was so hot today," he asked, sounding concerned. you wanted to not bother him with the details, so you tried to be brief. however, you stumbled into a long rant about the afternoon. you then complained about all the schoolwork you had to finish, and he saw the stress getting to you. you just wanted more time to spend with him, but you were exhausted and felt that there was still so much more to do.

"hey, it's okay. i know today has been long...i know you are tired," he started to calm you down, putting his hand over yours. "i really understand if you want to go home..." he was disappointed, but he smiled through it. you were so lucky--he was always sympathetic. it was loving to come all the way here to pick you up; honestly you wanted to spend time with him. more than anything, you just wanted to spend the remaining hours of the day with him. "i...actually, i want to go with you. if that's still okay," you asked, hoping for 'yes'. he squeezed your hand and nodded. "we should get going, to catch the next bus," he got up from the chair. you did one more wipe down of the counter and grabbed your school bag from the back room. you followed him out the front door and locked up.

the sky was dark now; the street lamp at the bus stop glowed white. you stood next to each other as the cars passed by. you were holding onto his arm, partly because you were tired and needed balance. he looked down at you, the lamplight glittered in his eyes. you could stare at those eyes forever, you swore you could. you shifted to face him, still grasping his arm. you slowly rose onto your tiptoes and pulled his face closer. he kissed you, gently holding your face. it was all very soft, like burying your lips onto a pillow. you opened your eyes; your noses were still touching. you stepped down, rosy-cheeked, and returned to standing at his side. the bus came shortly after, ready to take you both home. wearily, you plopped down in the blue seat and yawned. he held your hand and let you rest your head on his shoulder. sweet...today was sweet and lucky. what would you do without him? the bus started moving and the swaying lulled your eyes. you fluttered your eyelids and dozed off into sweet dreams. 

a high school sweetheart agendaWhere stories live. Discover now