The War of Syria and Russia #4

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It is now April 27, 2014, they are grieving the lost of their friends and the people who died in the explosion. They don't understand why this has to happen to people.. now the city of Damascus is burning tires to prevent the Russian planes from bombing their city or at least prevent them from seeing where they are bombing. The bombings get worst and worst and the true war has begun. Everyone running to each bombing shelter they can see, gathering everyone. Akilah gave Amina to their closest friend named Cemal. Akilah and Ahsan had told him "كل ما يحدث لنا ، يرجى الإعتناء بها. لا تحزن لدينا فقد الرجاء تظهر لها هذه الفيديوهات حتى أنها يمكن أن نفهم ما نقوم به وما نحن نقاتل من أجل. تعطي لها القلادة حتى أنها يمكن أن تبدو دائما في تذكر لن." (Whatever happens to us, please take care of her. Don't grieve our lost and please show her these videos so she can understand what we do and what we fight for. Give her the locket so she can always look at it and remember us.) They leave to help the other people who are dying out there and bringing them to the hospital. They are doing procedures back to back on so many citizens. They run through the war and help as many people as they can get Cemal in the bomb shelter and Cemal is always praying that he, Amina, Akilah, and Ahsan will be okay and all the other citizens dying out there. Then, a something out of the ordinary happens.. they go check it out. The city reeks of silence. They go out and out of nowhere, a Russian military man comes and shoots at them. They try to run back inside, but the place was locked. They had forgotten the keys inside.. So, they were running as fast as they could.. many military men were after them instead of one. They were running as fast as they can go.. everyone was in hiding, that's why it was so quiet. Many dead bodies laying around.. they kept looking as they were running.. they tried finding any kids and putting them in the bomb shelters.. no luck.. many children and other innocent citizens were already dead.. They kept running, they didn't care if their legs ached, hearts racing beyond their limit, they kept running together. They wouldn't depart. Until, they reached the end... their were two ways and Ahsan had recommended that they should part ways and meet each other elsewhere.. Akilah was in tears and kept begging not to.. Ahsan said to her "عزيزي ، استمع .. بغض النظر عما يحدث ، وعد إذا عاش أحدنا .. حاولناأن نجد بعضنا البعض وإذا لم نجد بعضنا البعض .. تأكد من أن نلتقي حيث ترشدنا قلوبنا. للتأكد من أن أمينة ستكون آمنة .." (Honey, listen.. No matter what happens, promise if either one of us lives.. we try to find each other and if we don't find each other.. make sure we meet back where our hearts guide us. To also make sure Amina will be safe..) Akilah cries and says "أعدك" (I promise...). So before the Russians reached them, they kissed one last time and parted ways.. Russians run both ways to find them.. they're running as fast as they can, they're not giving up.. Ahsan finds a hiding spot in a dark hole that leads to a underground bomb shelter where everyone else is hiding.. Akilah is still running, finding a place to hide, no luck.. she keeps running with the military men chasing and shooting her.. Till one of them got her and aimed her back.. she fell.. she keeps crawling fast as she could and then the Russians caught up to her.. they grabbed her, one of them was taking off her clothes to rape her, she was screaming for help.. no one could hear her.. the Russian man started beating her to shut her up and started to rape her.. they others watched and cheered on and she was crying and suffering.. She was thinking of Amina and saying that she's sorry she has to go so early in her head.. Once he was pleased.. he shot her in the head.. Her body left there dead.. They wrote in Arabic "اغتصبت هذه العاهرة." (I raped this whore.) on her left leg and left to bleed and rot..

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