The War between Russia and Syria #1

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Akilah, always is studying inside. She's always interacting with Amina and calls her "بلدي شعاع من أشعة الشمس." (My ray of sunshine.) Akilah always smiles every time she's with Amina. She always sings to her, but the minute she hears the explosions, her smile disappears and she always thinks something will happen to her and her family. As each day passes by, people go on with their regular lives and always keeping each other company and full of laughter and joy. On March 15, 2014, the officers were announcing to go to the river and to go look at the fresh bodies that were massacred the night before. She was grateful none of them were her parents or people she knew and loved, but she was still upset at the sight of the innocent people who died. The odor of the fresh bodies reeked badly and people were fishing more bodies in the river. It was an awful sight they had to see and grateful Amina wasn't around to see this horrid sight and smell the awful odor that reeks around the river. Every day, every night, more bombings occur around Syria. The echoes grew and grew.. the more the echoes grew louder, the more paranoid Akilah gets.. the more she thinks awful thoughts of her families dying.. She exits out of her thoughts and forgets about it. She distractions herself by doing other things. She had put Amina to rest for her daily nap and goes cook. She hears more and more bombings. It is now March 20, 2015.. more death's are happening. Akilah and Ahsan go out to help people out of the rubble and the broken buildings. They take the people to a place that could be built into a hospital, they took them in and started the procedures. Ahsan dealt with a man that broke a few limbs and has a few open wounds. Akilah deals with a pregnant woman who needs to be C-sectioned and fix a few open wounds on her body. They both rush between each other, grabbing the materials they need from their medical bags. Luckily, Akilah was able to revive the woman and her child through reviving the baby with CPR and a certain other procedure and it revived the baby. She had disinfected the woman's wounds and sewn them up. Ahsan couldn't revive the man.. it was too late due to losing so much blood and he went into shock which killed him. They couldn't do much.. so they buried him for respect. They went home and rested..

A woman who made it through the war.Where stories live. Discover now