Reanimation of the Lost

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The moment Monday hit, nobody in the school was happy, including the teachers, except for two. Miss Usami and Kaito Momota.

Kaito continued to talk Maki and I's ears off in the Dining Hall. I watched the door, wondering where Kokichi was. "I'm right! Right Shuichi?" "Hm?" Kaito snapped me out of my thoughts.

"It doesn't matter." Maki responded. "But if you're wondering what he wants answers to, he thinks he's straight." I suppressed a laugh. "Yeah, Kaito, if you're straight, I'd jump off of the Towa building."

"Speaking of not being straight, where is Kokichi?" Kaito asked. Almost on que, Kokichi walked into the dining hall, accompanied by a girl with two short, blue pigtails. An orange and yellow scarf wound around her neck. She was another one of the suspects.

Seeing two suspects together isn't the best sign when one of them is your crush. Focusing more on Ouma, he had small bags under his eyes. He did a poor job o fhiding them. When you do the exact same thing when you've crunched too hard before finals, you can tell pretty easily.

Kokichi waved to me, noticing the stare. I waved back, hoping Ouma didn't find me weird. Maki gave him a glare as he turned back to talk to the stranger.

"Shuichi, you read the book, right?" I nodded and pulled out the book, with what looked like millions of colored tabs sticking out of it. There were also about seven bookmarks.

"I color coded everything in the book that dealt with the warriors. The bookmarks label where their diaries began and the extra 2 are for Komaru and Toko's account of their adventure and what they believe happened to the kids." I exhaustedly explained.

"The tabs cover anywhere the kids are mentioned. It may be excessive, but quite a bit is just the Monokumas." Maki began flipping through. "How long did you stay up doing this?" "About 2am."

Once Kaito lectured me about a healthy sleep schedule, the bell rang and forced everyone to go through a new week of suffering.

"Good morning, students!" A loud, collective groan from all the students was the only response Usami got. "Oh come on guys! Be a bit more excited! We have one week until we have our mid-year school festival! It's a lot smaller than the end of the year, but hey! You're half way there!"

Usami begun her lesson and I began to stare off into space, thinking about Kokichi. He was suspicious, sure. But when wasn't Ouma acting like an annoying brat with a bunch of corpses in the closet?

Either way, at the end of the week, I needed answers to the mystery. The school day seemed to fly by as I joked with Kaede, worked on a group project with Rantaro, stopped Kokichi from strangling Miu with toilet paper, and trained with Kaito and Maki right after school.

But the moment I woke up the next day, things went VERY downhill.


Students were crowding around one of the school walls, yelling and panicking. "Hey! Detective boy!" I didn't recognize the kid who yelled for me. "We found you a stupid clue!" I let out an annoyed sigh as I walked forward.

I realized why he wanted me. The Warriors of Hope had spray painted on the wall. They left a few words with all of their symbols.

"Cancel the festival or meet a terrible fate."

I stared at the wall for a minute, unsure what I was looking for. Until I begun fixating on Kotoko's symbol. It didn't appear right. I saw the pictures with her headband and it just didn't seem right.

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