Inquiring Investigations

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Hey! Sorry for the change of plans in the story! I know most people wanted to choose the other option, but this chapter was done first and I haven't updated in way too long! I am so so sorry! Please enjoy this chapter!


I let out a small sigh. "I'm really sorry guys, but I'm going to have to pass... I hope you guys have fun though!"

Kaede seemed disappointed but kept smiling. "It's okay Shuichi! Just remember to take a break and don't stay up too late!"

I think this choice was for the better.

Eventually, everyone had to leave. I let out a small huff and began to look through the evidence again. I don't want to accuse Ouma, no matter the cost.

This is just like THAT case...

Still, I flopped onto my bed and began thinking of him. His curly hair, his violet eyes, his smile. Everything about him was so perfect, there was no way such a perfect boy was capable of such a thing!

Heat slowly began to rise to my face. The blush coating my cheeks. I pulled my blankets up and drifted off, imagining the adorable boy I had fallen in love with.


"Wake up, sleepyhead! You're finally up Shuichi!" I had awoken to see Ouma above me, pinning me to a soft floor. "Ouma-" "Wait! Don't finish that sentence! You're going to say 'Where am I?' or 'Who am I?'"

I was confused but I nodded, signifying he guessed my next sentence. He let out an adorable giggle and sat upright on my lap. "Well, you're definitely Shuichi Saihara! I'd tell you this place is hell, but that would be a lie! This place is whatever you want to to be."

His voice was like sweet music to my ears. I quickly answered back, "What do you mean by that?" I glanced around quickly, noticing that I was somewhere similar to my room, although the bed, dressers, and cork-board were missing.

"I mean that you can do whatever you want here, silly." He leaned in close and whispered into my ear. "And that's the truth~"

I felt my face quickly fill with color. "I-In what way?" "Awe, is my beloved getting flustered? By the way you phrase it, you sound like you've been thinking about me in a certain way, hm?"

I knew damn well what about was about to do and I wasn't going to let him.

He sprang up with a laugh. "You'll have to catch me first!" I quickly got up and followed him as he booked it to the door, before he could turn the knob, I pinned him to the wall.

He looked up at me, shocked. I looked into his deep, violet eyes. They were filled with desire, not in a lustful sense however. They were filled with love and longing, and it was my job to satisfy it.

He practically melted into my touch as I held his wrists to the cold wall. We leaned in, knowing what was going to happen next. Our faces became inches apart, practically touching and suddenly-


"HEY! Sidekick! It's breakfast! Are you up yet?" I awoke to the sound of Kaito practically banging down my door.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 ⏰

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