Chapter 30

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August 2009...

It's been a few years since Taeyong befriended Suho and Kyungsoo. After bumping into each other during an underground racing event, they've been inseparable. Back then, EXO and NCT were very close, allies. Taeyong was also familiar with the Boss and his wife, having gained a lot of respect for them after they had helped pull him and his sister out of poverty. He didn't know much back then, only listening to the advice they had to offer. The Boss' wife was extremely keen on making sure NCT would survive and thrive, so eager, that she entrusted her daughter with them.

Taeyong, during the day, would attend school, acting as if nothing was going on behind the scenes. He'd meet with his two friends there, looking over at his sister and Minah, two first-year students at the time...

Lee Taeyong

It feels like an ordinary day, nothing too out of place, a day where I can relax. I lean back on my locker, and the one next to it, arms crossed at my waist and eyes closed. I block out the outside noises, concentrating on myself and what I want for this gang. I smile to myself, thinking of how far we've come, especially with Suho and Kyungsoo at my side. I remain still for a few more minutes before being rudely interrupted by a high-pitched voice. "Ahem," it's faint at first, not distracting my peace but gradually grows louder, "AHEM!"

I slowly open my eyes, pissed off that somebody would disturb my peace. Do they not know who I am? I look around, not seeing anyone at sight, shrugging to myself, I must be imagining things? I close my eyes once again, leaning even further back into my locker. The sound comes back and with a few pokes, I now furiously wake up and look down, ready to throw some fists. I hold my fists up, but gradually lower them as I notice who has been poking at me for so long. It's a girl, her skin, milky white and her eyes, so round and doe-like. "Ahem, you're standing in front of my locker," she hisses, trying to shove me out of the way. Instead, I remain still, mouth slightly agape as I take in her delicate features. "Hello?" she asks, waving her hands in front of my face, "are you deaf? I asked you to move," she huffs. Damn sassy too.

I suddenly take in what she had just told me and regain my status, "oh, I heard you," I talk, voice as low as I can make it, "but I don't want to move from here." Her eyes grow wide, and her mouth slightly twitches. She begins to rapidly tap her foot, gripping even stronger on to her backpack straps. "What did you just say?" She asks, in what I assume is a threatening tone. "You heard me, or are you the 'deaf' one?" Her cheeks immediately turn red at this, quite furious at what I had just said, just the way I want her to be. "Listen, punk. I don't know who you think you are-"
"Taeyong, Lee Taeyong," I reply, face as straight as I can make it up. She immediately shuts up, "what's your name?" I ask, this time moving to the side to let her get past. She doesn't answer, pulling her books out of her bag and organising them. "Are you ignoring me?" I ask, slightly impatiently. She remains silent, now packing her bag for whatever lesson she has next. I slam her locker shut, gaining her attention. She glances up at me, callously, "Seulgi, Kang Seulgi," she replies. Her face is unimpressed that my hand is still on the locker door. I wait a few seconds longer, memorising her features while she's still staring and let go. Without saying another word, I walk off, whispering to myself, "Kang Seulgi, you are sassy," and even quieter, smiling to myself, "I like that."

Kang Seulgi

It's been a few days since I've joined this school, after what happened with mum and dad, it was for the best. I thought settling in would be easy, which it has been, but I can't seem to rid my thoughts of that Taeyong guy. That encounter was bizarre, to say the least, but slightly comforting. I've tried searching for him, looking around each corridor and even going to the roof, but it's no use. Maybe if I see him once again, I'll be able to get him out of my head. It's strange, I've been alive for so many years, but his presence made it feel like I've only just lived.

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