Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I wanted to try the nightlife, something I had been thinking of doing again ever since Meg and Lenny dragged me to that club last month. I just wish I knew more people here that would go with me. I searched the house and found a few bottles of alcohol and attempted to make my own mixed drink. The only thing my mother had was some cranberry juice and lemonade.

I grabbed two cups and filled one halfway with the cranberry juice and added a splash of lemonade and then filled the rest with the different alcohols I found. I wasn't sure what this was going to be like but it was worth a try. Once I filled the cup to my liking I began mixing by pouring them back and forth between the two cups.

"Well here goes nothing." I took a deep breath before taking a big sip of the mixed drink. As I swallowed my throat instantly burned and it tasted like I just drunk flavored battery acid. "Oh god, how do people drink this stuff?" I asked myself as I poured it down the drain. I will stick to professionally mixed drinks.

I cleaned up my mess washing out the two cups I had used before grabbing my phone and calling Vincent. Maybe he'll get me in the right mindset to go venture off.

"Hey Sweets." His cheery voice called over the phone. I never understood why he began calling me that ridiculous name, but it stuck.

"Hey you. How is everything?" I asked casually.

"Same old, same old. I was just getting ready to lay it down. I'm not sleepy but unfortunately, I have to work tomorrow. I traded shifts with Judy so I'm opening tomorrow." I heard the faint sounds of him plopping down on his bed.

"Oh shoot, I shouldn't have called." I said realizing even though it's 9 p.m. here didn't mean it was 9 p.m. there. It was nearly midnight and here I am bothering the man.

"Stop it right now." He said in a warning tone. "Don't overthink the situation. No there wouldn't have been a perfect time to call me, but like I always tell you, anytime is a perfect time." He said in a stern voice. "You obviously called because you needed to talk. I'm always open to talk no matter what time it is."

"I know, but it's so late. Like you said you have an early shift at the diner and you need your rest. I'll give you a call around lunchtime, your time?" I questioned trying to calculate just when would be the right moment to call him.

"Breathe in." He continued to ignore what I had said spoke with such patience. I followed his lead and took a deep breath in and breathed it out slowly as he instructed.

"Now let's start this conversation over." He laughed lightly. "Hey Sweets how has your day been?" He laughed.

"My day has been pretty good. It was nice seeing my mom again. She's doing great even though she hasn't touched a penny of the money I've been giving her." I rolled my eyes thinking back on the conversation I had with my mother yesterday.

"Maybe she's just trying to hold on to it for a rainy day. If she was able to get by without part of your inheritance then I'm sure she knows how to manage even with you giving it to her.'' I found myself rolling my eyes again at his words.

"Have you talked to my mother since yesterday? That's literally what she told me. Although her exact words were 'I want to save it for a very special day'." I laughed. "Whatever that meant."

"You never know. Just let the woman enjoy what she has. She knows you mean well." He laughed. "So may I ask what caused this impromptu call? Last I checked you still have seven hours until you were to give me a call." The way he spoke wasn't harsh but genuine curiosity. That's what I liked so much about him. He didn't frown at my need for having control over everything. He found ways to help me through it.

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