chapter 2

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Narrated 'Aisha  (r.a) : The prophet  (s.a.w) was asked . "What deeds are loved most by ALLAH? "  he said . " The most regular constant deeds even though they may be few ."

{Sahih al-bukhari,  The book of Ar-Riqâq }

Chapter 2

Reem  took a deep breath and wispered bismillah.  " what d-do you want ." She stuttered clenching her phone.

He chuckled  and said " oh dear . I missed you so much. My hands are itching soo badly.  They miss you Reem. My knife misses you " he said in a husky voice .

Tears were streaming down her face . She sat there paralysed . Her body trembling with fear . Black dots were forming in front of her . She composed herself herself and ended the call . She stared at the screen.

Rohail. The guy who studied in  her  previous college in dubai . Her homeland .

Flash back

"Allah hafiz momma , I'm getting late ." Reem said as she took her bag and wore her  slippers in a hurry .

Mrs. Zia . Reem's mom  , hurriedly came out from the kitchen with orange juice in her hand.

" reem at least have this . " She said and handed the glass to Reem
" mom" she whined and drank the juice .

Mr. Ahmed qureshi had a concern look on his face . " Reem . Beta ,  I'm appointing a bodyguard for you. And that's final ." He said with a stren look on his face .

"  Baba please . Trusted me I'll be fine . I promise.   I don't need  a  bodyguard when ALLAH rabbul a'alameen is with me . " She held her baba's hands with a pleading look on her face .

Mr. Ahmed qureshi smiled weakly at her daughter.  He knew that it would be dangerous for her to go outside all alone . Beacause his enemies were everywhere . His competitors were more in business deals.  He just want his family to be safe . 

" Dad please don't take tension.  Why does she needs a bodyguard when am here ." 
Zain ,reem's elder brother  spoke glancing himself in the mirror passing a smile to his mum.

" hmm.... you're right . But you have to take care of her especially when she's outside.  "
Mr.  Ahmed qureshi said .

" I will . Dad. " he bent down and kissed his father's hand .

"Come on munchkin  let's go " . Zain took his bugatti's keys. It was a gold bugatti which was gifted   by his father 6 months ago.

"Don't call me that " reem threw a glare at him as they said their salams and drove off to their colleges.

Zain stopped the car at reem's college
"Reem" . Zain turned to Reem with a serious look .

"Remember what dad said. Be careful. You know the reason why he's worried about us so much . Right ." He asked .
Reem nodded her head  .  " insha'allah bhai everything will be okay ." Zain  drove off not before kissing reem's forehead .

" I'm blessed " reem said to herself .


" yo hurry up hina . " reem waited for  her beastie . " I'm almost done . " She said .

Mrs . Helen walked passed Reem but suddenly stopped. She turned to Reem.
" ah .. Reem I've kept your books in that shelf  up there . " She said to Reem .

" ok mam" . Reem smiled politely and made her way upstairs.   She kept her gaze down  and suddenly bumped into someone .

" subhan ALLAH. I'm so sorry ." She looked up and it was a middle aged guy his looks scared her . A cut on his right eyebrow. He had an evil smirk on his face .  Reem looked down and gulped .she moved to right but he blocked her.

" what's your problem " reem looked up annoyed but regretted it.  His face hardened .

" my problem is . YOU." He wispered coming close . " what d-did I do " she looked at him confused and scared . He let out an evil laugh and squeezed her cheeks .

Reem let out a painful moan . Tears streaming down her face .  " I.  Freaking.  Hate you so much. How badly I want to kill you . " he said taking something out of his pocket .

Reem's eyes widened seeing it . It was a freaking knife . Reem's breath became heavier blackness forming in front of her .

She felt something sharp on her arm . It began to pain . She slipped into darkness seeing the red liquid coming out of her arm .


" I knew it. I knew this would happen . She's not safe here ." Reem's head was banging. She heard her father talking. She tried to open her eyes but she couldn't. 

"M-ma" She winced feeling the sudden pain.

" oh my baby ". Mrs. Zia came and hugged her daughter.   "how are you feeling " She carressed her cheek.

"Alhamdulillah mama I'm fine ." Reem passed a smile to her dad and zain .

Mr. Ahmed kissed his daughter's forehead and zain ruffled her hair . She felt loved . Subhan ALLAH.

" listen Reem.  Your phuppi is missing you . The one who lives in new York.  And she'll feel good if you go and visit her . And also it's not safe for you to stay here.  I promise everything will be fine . It's just a matter of few days . " reem gave a smile and nodded .

" I understand Baba.  " Mr. Ahmed hugged her when the doctor came and handed the papers.

Flash back ends

Reem felt an urge to call her father when a message popped up.

Unknown : and let me remind you . If you try to involve anyone in this . You know the consequences.  I'm already near your father's office you see.

This scared her even more . ya Allah help me get through this.   She wispered to herself .

Assalamu alaikum cupcakes!!!
How was the chap...?
Who do you think rohail was ..?
Do like and comment. 

P.s This is how I imagined rohail

As ramadan is just a week away ..!
Alhamdulillah I'm soo exited ...😛 who else is..?

Till then


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