Chapter 1: The Hogwarts Express

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"Hi, um, can we sit with you? Everywhere else is full..." Harry asked the blonde girl. She was sitting all alone in the compartment. Neville and Ginny were behind him with their stuff. Ron and Hermione had already gone to the compartment for the Prefects. It was honestly going to be weird without them for a while.

The girl looked up from whatever she was reading.Her dirty blonde hair was long and it almost covered the fact that her wand was stuck behind her ears. She looked friendly enough, but something about her felt a little off. Harry didn't really know how to describe it besides 'being floaty' he supposed. Like she would rather look at clouds and that such over talking to people.

Ginny peered over his shoulder, and upon seeing who it was, she gave a small smile. "Hi Luna." She walked into the compartment, completely passing Harry in the process.

'Luna'- as Ginny called her- looked at Neville and himself before she nodded.

"Thanks," all three of them replied. They stored their trunks away and put Hedwig's cage up in the luggage rack. Once all of that was settled and done with, they sat down. Luna had returned to reading what looked like a magazine. Everyone sat in silence for a few moments before someone spoke finally.

"Was your summer good, Luna?" Ginny asked.

"Yes," Luna had replied before looking up at Harry. "It was very nice. You are Harry Potter."

Harry shifted uncomfortably. "Yeah, I am. And you are?"

"Luna Lovegood," she turned her head to look at Neville. "I don't know who you are."

"I'm no one," Neville said fast.

Ginny rolled her eyes. "Don't say that!" She looked towards the blonde, "Luna, this is Neville Longbottom. Luna's in my year, in Ravenclaw though."

The boys nodded their heads. It was clear though that Luna had actually just wanted to read her magazine in peace. As soon as Ginny had said that she returned to reading. It shouldn't be all that surprising. Isn't Ravenclaw supposed to be all about books and stuff?

Harry turned to Neville and asked him about his summer since they haven't had much time to catch up yet.

Neville smiled widely before he spoke. "You won't believe what I got for my birthday," he reached into his schoolbag -making sure that he still held onto Trevor with his other hand- and pulled out what seems like a cactus in a pot, with boils instead of spines. "It's called mimbulus mimbletonia," he was quite clearly proud of this little plant of his. "It's really rare. I'm not even sure if the greenhouse at Hogwarts has it, that's how rare it is! I'm so excited to show Professor Sprout."

Herbology is Neville's favorite subject. And whileHarry can't really share the same enthusiasm as him, he was happy that the other boy was so excited. "That's great Neville. What kind of things does it do?" He said with uncertainty. Harry doesn't really know how to ask that

question about plants.

"They do loads of things! It has this defense mechanism that's pretty cool. Here let me show you -can you hold Trevor for me?"

Harry nodded his head as Neville handed him his toad. The other boy then went into his bag and grabbed a quill. Luna had peered her head over the magazine -which now that Harry was looking at it, it was upside down? Why? Harry didn't know. But either way everyone watched as Neville sharply poked the plant in his hand with his quill.

Within an instance, liquid sprayed out of the mimbulus mimbletonia. From every boil of it. Thick, stinking, and dark green liquid hit everyone and every surface. Even the ceiling. Ginny had raised her hands in time to cover her face, so it only looked like she wore a weird green

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