Chapter 3. Talks

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Harry woke up to the sound of shuffling. For a split second, he didn't remember what had happened the night before. For a while, he didn't think. Only listened to the quiet sounds of his dorm mates feet against the floor looking for this or that. All at once, the memories from the night before came back. Being back at Hogwarts, with his friends and the boy that he had some pretty serious feelings for. It surprised him that he didn't remember all of this quicker!

A huge smile appeared on his face as he thought of the events from last night. He sat there for another moment before he too began to get ready for the day. When he pulled the curtains to his bed, he saw the rest of his dorm mates getting ready for the school day.

Dean had already gotten his white button up on as well as his dress pants, and was searching for his tie in his trunk. Seamus was doing much the same, except he was looking for his own pants. Neville only had his socks to put on. Harry noted that his Mimbulus Mimbletonia plant was on his bedside cabinet.

Predictably, Ron was asleep. His curtains were slightly ajar, letting Harry see the ginger's sleeping face. Not that he needed that to tell that he was asleep. It was a well known fact that Ron has quite the snore.

"Hey, Harry," Dean said, looking up from his trunk at that moment. "Where were you last night? Missed catching up with you."

"Nowhere in particular," Harry replied. He figured that it wouldn't be a good idea to announce that he had been canoodling with Draco Malfoy of all people. "Did you have a good holiday?" He decided changing the subject would be a better bet.

Dean nodded vigorously, "Yeah! Had a great time with my parents. Went camping. I had tons of s'mores! What about you?"

"Eh, wasn't bad." At least, not as bad as other summers. Not like he could tell most of it. Being with the Order for half of the summer and what not.

He moved to start getting ready, now that he has somewhat caught up with a friend. Of course, Seamus hasn't talked with him yet. Though, he doesn't seem to be looking at Harry at all. Hmm. He'll have to ask about that later.

Much like the other boys in his dorm, Harry got his clothes out of his trunk. And as he stood up straight again, he looked over at Ron. At this point the boy was going to be late if he continued to sleep.

"Ron," he said, chucking a spare pair of socks at the sleeping boy. It hit him square on the face. "Get up!"

"AH, I'm up, I'm up!" It would have been more convincing if Ron didn't immediately lay back down and close his eyes.

"Then act like it," Harry laughed. He could hear Neville and Dean chuckle in the background.

Ron made a noncommittal groan. Well, if he was still laying down by the time that Harry was dressed, he'll just have to drag him out of bed.

"Do you think that Umbridge woman is going to be a good professor?" Neville asked while putting his shoes on.

"I don't know, she doesn't really seem like the type to get hands on does she?"

"No, she isn't nice either," Harry told them while still getting dressed.

"How would you know?" asked one of them.

"...I met her at the Ministry this summer," Harry hesitated. A part of him didn't want to tell them the whole truth. Not only because he couldn't reveal the secret of the Order. They are his friends, but,...

"I didn't like her at all," Ron said from his bed. "I didn't meet her, but from what Harry said she seems like a nasty git!"

One of the great things about being Ron Weasley's friend. He has your back. When he's not feeling threatened, that is. Oh boy, when they weren't talking, that was not fun at all!

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