Chapter 4. First Day of Class

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A/N: Oh wow, two chapters in two weeks? Wow. Lol ok so i have somewhat of a build. Up to chapter 6 is finished and chapter 7 is being worked on. I have more to say about the upcoming chapters but i will wait to tell you until then. Also, this is another long one. 5k. Happy reading

The start of the school day started with History. Ordinarily, you'd think that it would be a pretty cool subject. Some interesting things happened in the past, and some that were not so good. And that's not even counting the history of Magic! It could only be more interesting with the addition of Magic.

But no. No, it just so happens to be taught by the most boring professor on the face of the planet. And, also the only ghost professor. They're one in the same. Very boring. His voice droned on and on to the point where most students dozed off at least once in their school years. Only the students with the most self-restraint could pay attention without falling asleep.

They suffered through an hour and a half of the class. Professor Binns hardly even noticed that class was going on. Most of the class period he was turned away from them, towards the front of the classroom and rattled off about whatever.

Vaguely, Harry would hear bits and pieces of what Binns was teaching. Something about Giant Wars,..

Once again, if this subject had a different professor, he doubts it would have been such a bore. He wished that Binns would already pass on and let them have a new professor. Perhaps that way, they could get a decent enough grade on the subject by the time O.W.Ls came around.

For now though, Harry and Ron played hangman on a spare sheet of parchment. Hermione would occasionally stare at them in disapprovement.

When class finally ended and they all walked outside the classroom, she turned towards them. "I wonder what will happen this year if I didn't give you two my notes," she nodded as if it would be a sad tale to tell. "Truly, what will happen? Harry, what do you think?"

"We'd probably fail. Though with my track record, I might not even make it to finals."

Ron gave out a surprised laugh. "Sorry, mate. I wasn't expecting that," he smiled. "Honestly though, 'Mione, if you want that on your conscience, us failing,..."

"Well, you would deserve it. You didn't even try to get any notes."

"How could I when Binns' voice makes me want to fall asleep."

"You didn't fall asleep, though. So there's that."

"That's 'cause we were playing hangman."

"That was the only thing keeping me awake."

"Oh, stop it you two. We still have to go to our next classes."

Ron rolled his eyes, still smiling. "Leave it to Hermione to remind us of when to go to class." They continued to walk. "What do you think Snape will do today?"

"Don't know. Not sure if I want to know either." Harry said as they started to walk down a set of stairs.

"Can't blame you. Maybe it'll be hard. Catch us off guard while the rest of the Professors are giving out easy work."

"He might just do that."

They agreed after that that Snape, an old mean man, would decide to make a difficult lesson plan for the beginning of term. At one point, Harry wondered out loud if Snape would have treated their class differently if Harry wasn't in it. Are other Gryffindor classes as toxic as theirs? Is the third year Gryffindor-Slytherin class treated differently than their own? Was it because of Harry that Snape would act like a right bastard everyday?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2020 ⏰

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