Episode 1

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It's almost two years after Nikki's rebellion on CyberPerdana. I still remember that event like it was yesterday. Some of my agent friends thinks I'm the one to blame.

Well I can't deny it that I helped Nikki with her plans. Well it's Sunday, maybe I should give Viktor a call since there's a pandemic going on, We can only video call or play together in Detektif Jebat. But my dad still needs to go to work though.

Ali POV End

After hours of video calling, online gaming with his best friend the pre-teen decided to take a short nap with his pet cat Comot. That cat never cease to bug him when he's enjoying his game.

Dr.Ghazali POV

I was just finishing my last stack of boring paperwork. Man I'll rather look after a bunch of kindergarteners than do this! Oh well, It's a job that someone has to do.

Before I want to continue my boring paperwork I went to the café to get some coffee then one of my building security officers switch on TV. It didn't bother me.

After I finish drinking my coffee the current program the guard was watching got interrupted by the news. It got my attention

News reporter: We would like to apologize for interrupting the program, we have important news. The pandemic of the unknown desease has started to infect one of our people. Avoid any contact with strangers who has simptoms of aggresiveness, do not attempt to approach or reason with them they are very dangerous and highly contagious. I re-

Still Dr.Ghazali POV

Then the news reporter got pounce by another man. Screaming can be heard as blood pour from the man devouring the reporter and immedietly the news ended with a no signal screen and a long beep.

I immedietly run to my car and speed of to my house. On the way I see alot of chaos happening as cars crashed, turned over and some are even burning. Not to mention people being devoured by "those things".

I tried calling Ali but he isn't picking up. Then I called my personel pilot to get a chopper ready. After I called my pilot Dr.Mala called me.

Dr.Mala on the phone: Ghazali! Where are you?
Dr.G: I'm heading home to fetch my son to get the hell out of Cyberaya! You can come too and call Dr.Tong! We don't have much time

Dr.M: Alright! We'll meet at Gamma Tower.

Then she hung up. I hope Ali is okey. Then I continue to drive home like a street racer.

Ghazali POV End


There you go. I hope you enjoy

Maybe a new episode will be published day after tomorow


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