Episode 12

332 13 27

At the CocoaTiam

Ali, Boboiboy and his friends are at the stall having a break and talking about each other to get to know each other better. Gopal is drinking 10 cups of hot chocolate for himself as the others just sweatdropped at his antics .

Gopal: Man this is the best drink in the WORLD !!

Bbb: I know, you don't have to brag about it .

Fang: Yeah, if  I hear one more time about you bragging on anything , I swear I'll beat  you up with a VERY HOT FRYING PAN !!!

Ying: Fang , I am enjoying my drink here , so please STOP SHOUTING next to my ears !

Yaya: Ying , Fang you guys are arguing like couples !

Bbb: Yeah, maybe you should marry her Fang.  ( snickering )

Fang: Oh yeah, then you should start dating Yaya then . ( teasing )

Then the gang started to argue, Ali slowly walks away to his best friend Viktor who's with Mia .

Ali: Hey Viktor ! What are you doing ? Wait are you dating Mia ?
( tease )

Viktor: What ? No ! I'm having a normal conversation with her.

Mia: Ahh come one Viky, don't try to hide your feelings .

Ali: Just tell us ! You're face is like a fresh tomato !

Viktor: Ugh, Fine ! I like her ! Happy ? ( blush attack )

Ali just laugh so hard that he fell and rolled on the ground like a maniac. The two could just blush and it made Ali laugh even harder. The people who pass by just look at him wierdly, the insane laughter caught the attention of Boboiboy and his gang.

Gopal: Dey ! What's wrong with Ali ? He's laughing like an idiot .

Viktor: I just confess I had a crush on Mia then he started laugh histericly.

Others: Oh.

It's been a few hours after break time and Boboiboy and the other members of Rintis Shelter Community or R.S.C are required to return to their post each of the following:

Boboiboy : Frontline Assault Lieutenant

Gopal : Special Sniper Force

Fang : Close Range Lead Combactant

Yaya : Frontline Assault Second-In-Command

Ying : Close Range Co-Leader Combactant

Gopal who's in charge of tracing enemies from far ranges is looking for any sign of M.A.H.R.F scouting units . For a half an hour Gopal is scoping out the areas beyond the Front entrance and he saw something that could endanger many lives.

Gopal: OH NO !! M.A.H.R.F ! I gotta warn them !

He ran down his watch tower and sounded the alarm. The other units rush to the center once the alarm is sounded, even the High Ranks came as well.

A.Tarung: What's wrong Gopal ?!?!

Gopal: M.A.H.R.F !!! They found us !!

Ali: WHAT !! How did they found us !!??


Bbb: Alright ! Everybody ! Get ready to fight for our last !

Ali: What about me and my group ? !

Bbb: You'll leave and find Prof.Akram !

Tong: Me and Mala will stay behind ! Ghazali you go with the children !

Mala: I agree !

Ghazali: Alright ! Let's go !

Fang: Wait ! take our armored Humvee it's fully stocked !

Ali: Thanks Fang !

Fang: Sure, NOW GO !

The group is once again on the road away from the horrid organization that's about to end another community ruthlessly .

With Bbb


The entire community get their weapons ready and started to block the main entrance. Papa Zola is evacuating the civilians  on his carrier helicopter ready to take off to the Floating Island that's hidden from radar detection.

After a few minutes of waiting the enemy has finally arrived. The civilians are safe and sound.

M.A.H.R.F send an all-out-attack towards R.S.C with heavy firepower , enemy units are equipped with machineguns while R.S.C units are only equiped with light guns and WW2 weapons like rifles and pistols . Then the High Ranks came by surprise with devastating weapons . Admiral Tarung goes on full rage with his minigun while Boboiboy's father, Amato charges at the enemy with two double-bladed swords .

But due to M.A.H.R.F's advance fully equipped soldiers the R.S.C couldn't last long...

Bbb: uhuk Uhuk  huh huh huh ( panting )

Boboiboy cough up a lot of blood and in front of him was Rudy holding a M4A1, ready to end him but was stopped by Fit who look sternly at Boboiboy.

Fit: Now tell me where is the boy .

Bbb: Oh, he's just taking a road trip , uhuk .

Rudy: Tell us you bastard !

Rudy was about to shoot Boboiboy but he got shot at the shoulder, Boboiboy looked at the direction of the gunshot.

It was Gopal, his bestfriend who had a pistol in his hand . He smiled . . . He said,

Gopal: Take ... Uhuk uhuk , that .

Those were his final words before . . .


Fit shot him right in the head with a shotgun , Gopal's head was half- destroyed.


Rudy: Goodbye ,  Elemental Master



Looks like our Elemental Master is now decease . What will happen next ?
Stay tuned !
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Sorry for the tragic deaths 😣

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