Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na)

18 2 0

Written by nicotheoctopus

"Left!" shrieks Dino, her fingers tightening on the backseat, the visor of her blue spiked helmet flipped down. She squints through the rear window.
"On it," replies Flash, jerking the steering wheel and flooring the accelerator.

The car veers left, sending up a cloud of dust. They gasp as the car manages to squeeze past two incoming vehicles, who collide on impact, tires squealing and engines shuttering down.

Dino cheers. "That was awesome!"
Flash winces. "Not for them. Their bonnets are smashed."
Red sighs from the passenger seat. "Whew. That was close. We can't let that happen again."
"Agreed," Panda nods. She cracks her knuckles. "I've been ready to win this thing for weeks."

Microphone feedback fills the Motorway. The audience and participants cringe, squinting through the harsh rays to glare up at the two figures in the old control tower.

"Looks like two of the groups are eliminated," announces Dr. Death-Defying. He glances at a sheet on the desk. "It's the Firebreathers and the Paraders. Luck's just not on their side today." Dr. Death-Defying pauses, staring at the stadium below.

"Look, Cherri. I don't believe it!"
"Believe what?" Cherri Cola's sarcastic drawl fills the air. "It better not be one of those flying ponies you told me about last time."
"No, seriously, Cherri. That double whammy was the work of the Patrollers. Just look at them go."
"Whatever, Dr. D." Cherri shrugs. "You sound like a proud dad."

"Didn't you see it? The Firebreathers, the Paraders and the Patrollers were all on a collision course, but the girls managed to squeeze through in time."
"True. I guess it was a pretty risky manoeuvre."
"I know, right? Those girls look like they really have what it takes to win this thing."

Dr. D isn't wrong.

The girls had been up since dawn, preparing for the big event. It didn't seem like it, but there was much to be done. Flash Silence had spent the last few weeks repairing their old car, sometimes staying in their small garage for days at a time to get her latest touches right.

Mad Dino had been consulting their strategies for at least a week now. She could be heard muttering quietly and pointing up in the air, frowning, then shaking her head. DJ Panda had dashed around the Bunker, blasting tunes from her boombox and generally encouraging optimism.

Meanwhile, Red Roses had left their base several times to search for the Killjoys. The others had called it 'stalking', but Red had insisted that she needed to find the mysterious bunch and learn their secret ways. Apparently, it was their only chance at winning, but so far, Red hadn't been successful.

The girls had first heard of the Derby a while back. They'd dismissed it as some stupid event, but that had all changed as they listened to the highlights that night on the radio.
"High speed car chases," breathed Dino.
"Head-on collisions," grinned Flash.
"High spirits and excitement," exclaimed Panda.

It was all too much for them.

"Please, Red," begged Dino, tugging on her sister's bomber jacket. The others crowded around her, nodding eagerly. "We gotta compete. We'll show them who's boss."
It took a whole day to convince Red. She sighed. "We'd better win."

Since then, the group had been preparing non-stop. In between their patrols, they discussed strategies and wild ideas. Every fortnight, they'd listen to the highlights from the Derby, scribbling down notes and whispering plans. But amongst all the juicy details, one thing stood out.

No matter the situation they were in, the Killjoys always seemed to win. If they were badly beaten up near the end of a round, no problem. They'd somehow always emerge victorious, coming up from behind and flicking the remaining groups out of the way.

The crowd absolutely loved it. They'd go wild, cheering and yelling as the Killjoys' car came to a rest amidst the destruction, its painted spider gleaming in the afternoon sun. So far, they'd won four matches in a row, which no one would have ever predicted.

These Derbies were high energy and full of adrenaline - there was no way to know what they'd do next. Dangerous stunts, flips, even driving up other vehicles became the Killjoys' signature style. And the Patrollers hated it. Now was their chance to shine.

The car swerves to the right. Dino's heart skips a beat as she nearly loses her hold on the backseat.
"Sorry!" calls Flash, focussed on the track. "We're being tailgated. I don't know who it is, but we've got to get rid of them."
Panda twists to follow Dino's line of sight. "Flash, deploy the launchers now," she shouts. "We've got this."

Flash nods, her nimble fingers tapping out a complicated sequence of buttons on a side panel.
"Here goes nothing," she mutters.

For a moment, she's right. The cars still race around the sandy track, the one behind catching on ever so slightly. Tiny rockets shoot out of the Patrollers' vehicle, flying through the air and easily finding their target. The weapons hit home. The car behind them jerks to a halt, the front busted and smoke spewing from the engine. The smell of burning rubber fills the air.

The girls cheer and high-five each other.
"We killed it!" Panda dances in her seat. "We can totally win this thing."
Red leans over to Flash, clapping her on the shoulder. "Good job. Let's do it again."

A loud boom echoes over the Motorway, reverberating through the thick, dusty air.
"Another competitor down!" Dr. D declares. He pauses. "It looks like the Young Renegades and their car, the American Dream. Sorry boys, but you won't be taking home the trophy tonight."

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