//7 - finding a 4am chill

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A.N: damn, a piece of writing that i actually like? and am proud of? never thought i would see this day tbh. anyway, hope you enjoy reading it :). also, anyone who knows the song at the end is a bloody legend

Concept: Cal finally finds out what Harry gets up to when he can't sleep.

[1190 words approx.]



I am slowly roused from the depths of my dreams to a cool breeze brushing over my bare arms and chest. I groan lowly. Either Harry or myself must have forgotten to close the window before we went to bed. The soft sensation on my skin makes me shiver, so I roll over, seeking the warmth of my boyfriend's body. My hands slide effortlessly through the sheets, but the boy in question is nowhere to be found.

This has become a regular occurrence recently. Harry will get up at obscure hours of the night, unable to sleep, and wander around the flat. I open my eyes slowly, greeted by white moonlight flooding into the room, blanching everything in its ghostly hues. Both the curtains and the windows are wide open. What am I going to do with him?

I sigh, and reluctantly slide from the relative warmth of the bed. I suppose I should find him. Soundlessly, I slip on a hoodie and joggers, and then let out a yawn. I take a moment to stretch the sleep from my long limbs, rub a hand over my face, and comb my fingers through my untamed hair.

Quietly as I can, I pad barefoot through the house. It's somewhat odd seeing it at night, in the dim light. The place feels so empty, nothing at all like home. Almost eerie. Goosebumps prick at my flesh, and I suppress another shiver. I pick up the pace slightly, not wanting to be caught in any deserted places for too long.

I pause in my thoughts for a minute, and try to think logically about where Harry is most likely to be. The answer comes to me immediately. The balcony. He enjoys watching the nightlife among the boats of the Thames. He says that each one has its own story, with the different coloured lights that dance on the waters surface.

Hastily, I set off in the direction of the balcony, while compiling a list of places he could also be if not there. Despite being almost certain that he will be there. If anyone were here with me, I would be willing to place money on it. I like to think that I know how my boyfriend thinks pretty well.

At last, my feet come to rest on the cold, laminate floor of the top room of the house. The room that connects with the balcony. I stand next to the bar, and watch Harry's silhouette against the inky backdrop of the night sky. He's stood, his back leant against the railing, looking out over the river. The sliding doors are open, letting a small breeze inside.

The air coming in from outside it tinted with a dangerous, but familiar smell. I inhale it, trying to work out what it is. Instantly, the terribly sweet scent of weed fills my senses. Now that I look over Harry again, I notice a lit joint in his hand, the tip glowing amber.

I slowly cross the room to the large sliding doors, my eyes never leaving the other man. He looks strangely beautiful in this light, his relaxed figure propped up by the railing. His hair tousled with sleep. He lifts the joint to his mouth to take a hit, inhaling slowly and deeply, with practiced efficiency. The end glows brighter for a second.

As I near Harry, I notice the soft sound of him humming along to a slow song. He has one earbud in; so is likely listening to music. I can't make out the tune from just his humming though. He sways ever so slightly along to the music. Completely relaxed.

I stand in the doorway, and tap on the wall next to me to announce my arrival. He turns his head to face me, the joint still hanging loosely from his mouth. He smiles at me invitingly, so I walk over to stand beside him, shivering once again when I step outside. He presses lightly against my side.

"Hey baby," I murmur to him, and wrap an arm around his shoulder. "Fancy seeing you up here."

"Mhmm," he mumbles vaguely, still trying to focus on keeping the end of the joint clamped in his mouth. I lift my hand, and take it from between his lips, before raising it to my own and taking a short drag. When I'm done, I hand it back to him, and he takes the final hit. We exhale slowly together, the vapour escaping our mouths mingling.

The drug's effects occur almost instantly. My brain feels pleasantly fuzzy. I find myself a lot more relaxed. My thoughts are clouded. I sigh happily, and lean further into Harry's warmth. He rests his head back against my shoulder, grinning contentedly.

"Should I worry about where you got this?" I ask jokingly. His eyes sparkle dully in the light as he looks up at me.

"Nope," he responds, before flicking the burnt out end off the balcony. Normally I would have told him off for doing that, but I just can't bring myself to ruin the bliss of the moment. I also find that I don't care as much as usual. Nobody can touch us up here, under the watchful eye of the stars. He loops an arm around my waist, hand resting lightly on my hip. I inhale the fresh air deeply through my nose.

"Whatchu listening to?" I question, randomly. He doesn't reply, merely hands me his other earbud. I carefully put it into my ear, and am met by a chill beat of a song that I don't recognise.

I can see it in your eyes, I can see it in your face

I find myself beginning to sway along to the mellow song. I'm honestly not sure if it's because I'm high, or because I'm enjoying the music. It could be either, really. Harry mirrors my subtle movement, swaying gently with me.

Banging on your chest. Acting tough, looking unfazed

He has begun humming again now. The sound is soft, and I can hardly hear it over the bass-heavy music playing in one ear. He sounds good though, following each swoop of the song, in time and in tune.

Tripping over landlines, cutting deep with a dull blade

Running out of unrest, goin' out of your mind

I take another moment to admire Harry. Under the glow of the moonlight, his beauty is almost otherworldly. His pale skin is bathed silver in the soft light, looking completely smooth and flawless. His eyes are closed, emphasising his long eyelashes. His mouth is curved up into a small smile.

Lonely days will follow, days will follow

And the gaze that struck, the halls will know your name

In this moment, I feel complete. I feel whole. I feel nothing but love, and warmth. All the stars above couldn't even come close to how I feel right now. With him.

Hit me like a tidal wave, triggered by the aftershock

"Harry?" I say, breaking the quiet bliss.

"Yeah?" He responds.

"I fucking love you," I grin, and lean my cheek against the top of his head.

"I love you too Cal."


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