//36 - the charity match

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A.N: hi. it's been a little while, i'm sorry. i've been trying to get chapters finished in advance for my other book, which has resulted in basically no time to write new stuff for this. so this is a prewritten chapter i had in t he drafts, and i figured it's better than nothing, even if y'all were expecting TUW pt.2. if anyone knows how to fix a broken sleep schedule, pls tell me, i'm currently losing the will to live because i'm so tired lmao

Concept: Cal injures himself at the Charity Match, and Harry is there instantly to take care of him

[2020 words approx.]


Harry POV

I'm at the opposite side of the pitch when it happens.

One minute Cal is running elegantly with the ball, I look away for a split second, and he's on the floor. My stomach drops instantly, but I try to shake the feeling. Of course he's fine, right? But I can't just stand over here if he isn't. People are coming to surround him now. Something's off.

"Hey, I'm gonna go and see what's happening," I call to Ethan, who just nods. The only people that know Cal and I are dating are the Sidemen, and Lux. So Ethan understands why I need to go and see if he's okay.

I jog quickly over to the huddle of people. The fact that they haven't disbanded yet worries me. When I get there, I push gently between Lux and Simon, who are standing near Cal. Neither questions why I've left my position. They already know.

"I'm fine, I swear," insists Freezy, who's still sat on the ground, with his left leg bent at an awkward angle. I can hear him trying to mask the pain in his voice. "We need to carry on playing."

"We can carry on, but you need to get checked over. JJ has gone to get the medics," says Lux firmly. "Your leg doesn't look good mate."

"I'm fucking fine," spits Freezy, seeming frustrated. "It just looks bad because of how I'm sat. Now help me up, I'm carrying on." He glances around at his teammates, and none of them move to help him. "Fine, I'll do it myself then," he growls, putting all of his weight on his good leg and getting to his feet.

"See? I'm fine," he says, standing, but still not leaning on his other foot. He tries to take a stride forwards, but as soon as he shifts his weight to his bad foot, his ankle gives way, and he stumbles. I rush forwards, catching him before he falls.

"Harry? Why're you here?" He asks, confused.

"I saw you fall. C'mon, sit down," I say, helping back onto the grass. I kneel down beside him, and take a quick look over his leg. It's not good, his ankle already quite swollen.

"I'm fine Haz," he says, looking at me with pleading eyes.

"You can't even stand. That's not fine," I say, grabbing his hand.

"I'm the captain, for fucks sake. I can't just not play," he says, his tone slowly becoming more distressed. So that's what this is about.

"Cal, listen to me," I say gently, squeezing his hand, and looking him directly in the eye. "You cannot play like this. That won't help anyone. I need you to understand that, so we can get you off the pitch, and you can get checked over."

His confident attitude falters. "It really fucking hurts," he murmurs, quietly enough that only I can hear him. "But I don't want to let everyone down."

"You're not letting anyone down," I say, raising my other hand to cup his cheek gently, not caring who might be looking. "I know it hurts, but you're handling it so well." JJ has now arrived with medical personnel following him.

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