Baby Malhotra (3)

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3 days later:

Manan were at office working when it was lunch time... so nandini came to manik's cabin with the food and both sat on the couch... they started to eat with nandini feeding him lovingly while manik was just adoring her... when nandini spoke "manik" "hmm" he just hmmed putting his head on her shoulder chewing the morsel... while nandini continued.... "will you go to the orphanage with me?" Manik stood straight and looked at nandini before nodding... nandini smiled at him and put another morsel in his mouth...

After completing the work both were sitting in the car... while manik drove to nandini's orphanage... reaching there both came out of the car and nandini held manik hand in her's and weny inside before asking him "come" both entered inside the orphanage... when the kids saw nandini and ran to hug her... she hugged them back still holding manik's hand... and she called for shalini... shalini came there and saw a guy with nandini sitting on the couch so she asked "nandu, you came! And who is he?" Nandini smiled and then said "mother he is manik" listening to the name shalini smiled as nandini told her about manik... and coming to them she blessed manik and kissed his forehead as a motherly gesture... while manik closed his eyes feeling the gesture... he looked at nandini with wet eyes who blinked in assurance... after that they had dinner with the kids while manik was smiling looking and getting all the love from there.... after that nandini went to drop manik till his car when manik said "nandu, can you please stay with me tonight" he said with a little sad face... nandini felt bad looking at his face so she said "wait here for a min" saying this she went back and manik stood there waiting for her... when after a min nandini came back holding her phone in one hand... manik smiled at her... and then sitting inside with her he drove to his tree house... coming inside both went upstairs to the bedroom... both laid their while manik was hugging her close to him hiding his face in her neck... nandini was feeling like something is bothering him so she asked creasing his back over his shirt... "manik what happened? Is something disturbing you?" Manik just nuzzled in her neck holding her close... nandini forcefully made him look at her and asked "what is bothering you?" Listening to this manik's eyes filled with tears and he said "you have so many people who loves you, but me, i have no one except you, what if you to left me, how will i live without you?" And some tears came out of his eyes... nandini wiped his tears and then hugged him stating "manik i am not going to leave you, how should i make you understand that i am going to stay with you forever." She kept hugging him thinking for a solution that can take away all his insecurities... getting a solution she thought to herself... should i do it? I love him and i know no matter what will are going to be together, and if this will take away all his insecurities that i am all ready for it.... making up her mind she looked at manik who was sniffing... she kissed his head and the closed his eyes keeping a hand on his eyes "keep them closed" saying this nandini moved back to see manik's eyes closed... she got up from there when manik called her feeling her absence "nandini" "i am here manik" she said hurriedly and looked at his face who was showing pain and insecurities... moving aside the bed she pulled of her kurti followed by her trousers... all the time her eyes were looking at him... she then took out her inner and then entered the bed she covered herself with the duvet and rubbed her finger over his eyes asking him to open it... manik opened his eyes and looked ta nandin who was smiling at him... when she said... "come" manik came a little forward and nandini held the hem of his shirt making him confuse... she pulled his tee putting it near the bed on the floor... while manik just moved close to her and hugged her with the duvet in between thier naked upper bodies... manik just hugged her when his hand reached his bare back and he looked at nandini with questioning eyes... nandini smiled to him and coming closer to his ear she mumbled "make love to me manik" manik was shocked with her words but then nandini kissed his forehead assuring him that she really mean it... he looked at her with wet eyes when nandini came forward and kissed his eyes followed by every feature of his face... and at the end she ended on his lips kissing him making him groan in pleasure... after breaking the kiss both looked in eachother's eyes when nandini nodded and soon manik's pants were followed by their other clothes... and sooner they both become two bodies and one soul in every manner.... and with the passing time nandini took away all his insecurities throwing it out of from their life...

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