Baby Malhotra (2)

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Next morning nandini woke up early and getting ready she went to malhotra's office... she enterted the building and walked to the reception... asking her about the interview view nandini went sat sat beside other people who were there for the interview.... she was praying to her God that they would select her only for the job... sitting there for a while her number came and she entered inside the room... there she saw a lady in late 20's with a man is early 30's were sitting to take the interview... nandini walked the desk and politely greeted them which thye reciprocated... and the interview started.... they asked some questions which nandini answered correctly and with a great explaination... both of the lady and the man were impressed by nandini... after 30 mins of interview nandini came out now she was waiting for the result and she was all time praying.... after an hour or so both the lady and the man came out of the room with some files n their hand... when the man told them... "Hello to you all... i am going to take two names... you two have to come tomorrow so that sir could select one of you for the place of his personal assistant...okay??" All the candidates including nandini nodded and then the man called out the two names... "first name is Naina Talwar... and the second one is Nandini Murthy" nandini smiled in joy and soon they all left excluding the two girls... the lady came to them and said.. "both of you have to report here at 8:15 sharp... if you don't came your job can be in danger as sir don't life late comers..." both of them nodded and went back...


Next morning nandini got up early and reached the malhotra's building... reaching there she looked at the time it was 8:10... she took a deep breath and then she waited to be called inside... after a min the other girl came and nandini politely greeted ber while the girl reciprocated with a smile... when the lady which they met yesterday came to them and said... "Good Morning... when the bell rung you have to go inside that cabin" the lady pointed towards the door of manik's cabin... and then she continued... "first its you Miss Naina Talwar... and after that you Miss Nandini Murthy..." both the girls nodded and then waited for the bell... after a few mins the bell rung and naina stood up to go inside while nandini stay out.... it has been only 8 mins when naina came out and nandini stood up to go... ahe walked to the cabin and knocked the door and listened his voive... "come in"... nandini took a deep breath and entered inside... she entered and saw a big cabin with glass walls from which whole mumbai can be seen... she walked to the desk and greeted manik... "hello sir" and in return manik looked at nandini without replying he said... "sit" she sat on the chaira nd manik looked at the file... he asked only two to three things from nandini after that he pushed her file to her and nandini went out to wait for the result... both the girls were waiting... when after 5 mins the lady came to them and said... "congratulations to you both... Miss Murthy you are appointed as Sir personal secretary... and Miss Talwar you will work under Miss Nandini... both of you can start you job from tomorrow morning at 7:30 pm.... and Miss Murthy you will recieve the email from the company in which sir appointments and other things will be mentioned.... and yes after coming to the office collect the things from the receptionist" nandini nodded and they all went away to their respective paths....


Next morning nandini woke up and getting ready and having breakfast reached manik's office... she came inside and took things from the receptionist who told her about her cabin... so nandini walked to manik's cabin and entering inside she looked at the side to find her next nect to the book shelf... putting the things on the table she put her bag in the floor next to her chair and opened the IPad which the receptionist gave her.... she was looking at the manik's today's shedule which was already had entered in it... mentally noting the things she walked to manik's desk and giving the look to the files she put them safely... she cleaning her desk turned at the same time the door was opened and manik came inside... both looked at eachother and nandini saw his pain in his eyes which he was trying to hide from the world putting a mask over his face... but then both turned there gaze and nandini greeted him "Good Morning Sir" manik nodded and sat on his chair while nandini stood infront the table with the IPad... when manik asked her about hus shedule she told him everything after that manik again got silent looking at his laptop... and nandini went back to her seat... she just sat there when manik said... "Where Is Mr.Singh's file" nandini got up and taking  it out from the book shelf which was beside manik's desk passed it to manik... like this the whole day manik worked like a robot asking nandini for the things... while nandini did her work with looking at manik....

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