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6 months later:

Manik was in the kitchen with nandini... who was sitting on the high chair with a grumpy face... while manik was scooping out the icecream in a bowl... while doing it he looked at his love and smiled... after scooping out the icecream he poured the chocolate syrup on it and some almonds... after that he walked to nandini and pushed the bowl infront her while saying... "here you go my lady" Nandini looked at the bowl and smiled brightly she looked at manik and kissed his cheek... after that she got dig in the bowl... manik was adoring the child nandini when the door bell rang... kaka went to open the door and after few moments manan listened the voice calling them on which manik smiled and said... "dad"
He looked at nandini and then ran out... coming out he saw shrikant standing near the couch... manik with a smiled walked to him and hugged him... "how are you dad?You are coming now? After 5 months, seriously?" Manik asked his dad in a scolding way just like a little kod do to his father whenever he gets late... shrikant chuckled and said.. "sorry my dear father, i had work bcoz of which I didn't came, you too knew about the londan branch, then." Manik nodded and then shrikant asked... "hey, where is my daughter-in-law?" Manik smiled at his question and turned to see nandini coming out of the kitchen looking beautiful... she came and was about to touch shrikant's feet when he stopped her and said "No no, don't do it" shrikant smiled and said to manik holding his ear... "you idiot, this was what you wanted to tell me?" Manik smiled while nandini shyed a bit... when shrikant smiled and said "come on man i am going to be a grand father and no one told me" he said the matter of the fact on which both manan smiled at him... after that he blessed nandini and they sat in the living room talking.... they were talking when shrikant's phone ringed... he looked at the caller and ended the call... but again the phone ringed.... when for he 3rd time shrikant ended the call... manan shared a look and then manik asked "What happened dad?" Shrikant looked at him and nodded in no... this time again his phone ranged and nandini asked "dad who is it?" Shrikant looked at nandini and said "shilpa" a mere name made the atmosphere unhappy... manik took a deep breath before saying "atleast pick up the call dad, might be important" "nothing is important manik, she just! Let it be" shrikant answered him in an uninterested voice.... when manik spoke "still dad, she is your wife talk to her, me and nandini will lay the tabke for lunch" saying this manik stood up and helped nandini to stand up.... soon both of them walked to the kitchen...

Going in the kitchen manik made nandini sit on the chair and said "don't get up, i will see to it" nandini pouted and manik pecked her lips making her smile... after that manik put the things in the tray... and then called kaka... soon kaka came and both manik and kaka took the tray's out to the dining table while nandini coming out behind them with a grumpy face... after that manik sat with nandini while kaka wnet to call shrikant... soon both of them came and four of them sat their and had their lunch....

It was night when nandini was laying on the bed... and manik came out of the washroom changing his dress... he came and sat on his side of the bed... he looked at nandini who was smiling putting her hand on her stomach... he smiled more and put his hand on her's while saying "how much old is my princess?" Nandini opened her eyes and said "you keep the record you know it better, so tell me!" Manik gave her a goofy smile and asked "now its 16 right?" Nandini nodded while continuing her crease on her stomach... when manik bend to her stomach and said touching it "then my princess is of 4 months and 12 days" saying this manik bend to her stomach and kissing nandini there he spoke "papa loves you princess" smiled smiled more and then pulled manik to her... plaxing her head on his chest nandini said "now your princess need sleep, good night my big baby" manik chuckled and kissing the top of her head spoke "good night nandu"

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