Day 2|Crush

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Okay, here goes nothing. You know who you are. My closest friends know who you are too. You hate so many things about yourself. I don't see why. You're honestly the sweetest guy I know. You never have any bad intentions. If you were to go to court for a crime, I would be the first person to defend you. If anything, you would do it for the person you love. So, as I was saying, you are so sweet and any girl who has caused you to be the way you are about girls is a jerk. They are stupid and don't know what they are missing. I've liked you on and off for over a year, but I've finally figured it out. I never realized it until recently. I talk to you about almost everything. I trust you. You're my best guy friend. Idk how you feel. All I know is that you asked my best friend multiple times if I like you. But after you found out about it, you have talked to me even more than you did. I don't know what else to say. I'll see you tomorrow.

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