Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Prince, my puppy dog

I love going to see nature. Seeing the flowers, trees and wild animals excite me. What I love to see the most, is the wolves. There are some wolves I see that are almost as tall as me. I love watching them; they have human qualities that lead me to think that they are werewolves. Yes, I admit I believe in werewolves. I have been observing them since I turned 16 on July 26.

I have found things about them that are different than regular wolves. Whenever they are out, they rarely ever hunt for prey. I could never find a cave or den that their home could be. I found this huge house one day, but it looks like no one has lived there in decades.

Its time I told you about myself. I am Alexis Waters, and I am 16 years old. I currently live in the woods. I was kicked out of my old house because of my sexuality. My parents are gay and were forced to have sex because of their parents wanting to have grandchildren and did not believe in homosexual people. Along with my parents are my two sisters and my brother, who are also all gay. When they found out I only liked the opposite gender, they kicked me out.

On to the werewolves, I am going to be watching them more closely today. Today is the day that I find out they are actually werewolves. I looked around until I found them, and when I did, I saw them running around, playing with each other. I have to say, they look adorable playing. One of them is sitting out. It is weird, but when I saw him sniffing the air, I left.

Later, I found them at a small river drinking water. When I moved a little closer towards them, I stepped on a stick, making a noise, which made them look my way. Luckily, they did not see me because I ducked into the bushes. Once they were done drinking, they walked away. I followed them at a distance for them not to see me.

After about an hour of following them, I did not see them anymore. Behind me, I hear a low growl. I slowly turn around, and see that behind me was five wolves. They were huge. There was a magnificent looking white wolf in front who was taller than my 5 foot 9 inches. Behind him were two brown wolves, one black and brown wolf, and one beautiful light red wolf. The red wolf almost looked like my dog, though my dog is much smaller. Then when I remembered about my dog, I called him. He came to my side shaking because he was scared. I picked him up and held him to me. When I looked back up, I saw that the wolves looked angry.

Me being stupid and not knowing what to say, said, "hehe, nice wolves, just passing by, so... bye!" but me being even more stupid and scared, did not even move.

The wolves looked at me like I was crazy, which I agree, but they also looked amused. Then they circled me. I was terrified; you go in to the woods and find huge wolves and they circle you like they want to eat you, you will feel the same way. I was shaking in my shoes. They all moved closer to examine me. Once they saw that I was not a threat, they turned to walk away from me. I could not let them get away from me this time.

"Wait, don't go!" I said to them in a hurry, before they were gone. I wanted to give them the test now, to determine if they are actually werewolves, as I believe. They looked like they could understand me, so I was making progress. I asked the most stupid questions, "Umm... How many fingers am I holding up?" I say while holding up seven fingers. Right after I said it, I called myself stupid in my head. Who would ask that, except to a disoriented person?

They looked clueless, so I figured, why not ask them the important question now. I want to see what would happen when I asked it. If nothing happened, then it would prove they are not because no ordinary wolf would understand you or let you even be around them. "Are you guys werewolves?" I asked them. They immediately tensed up. Yes! I knew it. Literally, I did a happy dance. It was horrible but I did not care, I was right all along. I am the best, Yes!

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