Authors note////
Heyyy everyone I just wanted to say that this story is based on my fanfic from my youtube channel. I'm just putting it out just in case you guys find it familiar. Writing the story on Wattpad makes it easier for me to update then on yt.
~Lucy's POV~It's been 7 years since my mom died, I'm now 17. My dad is very ill and I try my best to make sure he eats and has a healthy diet, however he doesn't want to accept my help. He calls me a murder, monster, and a brat. I get yelled at and never got the love from my father which is the only thing I wanted. Yet I never heard "I love you sweetheart" from him ever since my mom passed away.
I never had a real friend at school, well Lisanna is the only "friend" I have.
I picked up my phone and looked at the contact name it's Lisanna..
I answered
"Hey Lucy! I need your help" said Lisanna
"Did you forget to do your English homework again?" I said calmly while rolling my eyes.
"Yesssss I need to copy hurry up at get to school by 7:20am!" commanded Lisanna.
"But-" I was cut off before I could say anything.
"Bye! Thanks!" Lisanna hung up
Lucy threw her phone on bed and looked up the ceiling.
"I wonder how my life would be like if mom never died...WAIT WHAT AM I SAYING?!" I said face palming.
"Things happen for a reason and I can't change that" I said while getting up off my bed.I put on my uniform based of a white blouse, pink bow, navy skirt, navy jacket with the Fairy Tail emblem on it, navy socks, and school shoes. I parted my hair in the middle and brushed it. I walked out my room going near my dads.
"I left your food in kitchen when you get hungry" I said from behind the door.
No response. I signed and grabbed my bag from living room and walked out the door. I began walking for about 7 minutes and saw the school ahead. I checked my watch it's 7:15am, I should hurry or Lisanna will get mad at me.
I arrived at school.
"Lucyyyyyyyy" said a voice from behind me.
"Oh hey Lisanna" I laughed nervously.
"Can I get your homework" she said
"Ok" I handed her my journal.
"Thanksss Lu, I'll give it back to you before your English class" Lisanna said as she walked away.
I began walking to my first period which is World History, our teacher is always late so we usually have half the class as a free period. As usual I plugged in my headphones and started listening to Katelyn Traver song "You don't know what's it's like" I began whispering the words.
Can't stop these feet sinking
And its starting to show on me
You're staring while i'm blinking
but don't tell me what you see.Then I heard "Kyaaaaa" from all the girls in my class looking at a picture of some guys. I rolled my eyes...
"Stupid fangirls" I murmured
"What did you say bimbo?" said one the girls...Jenny
"Nothing" I replied
Then I felt my face against something hard. She smashed my face against my desk.
"Hey guys she just tried talking about us what a dumbass" Jenny said laughing.
I heard whispers.
"What a bimbo" said one the girls.
"Right she's so stuck up" said someone else.
"It's a good think Jenny put her in her place no one will want to hang out with that blonde nerd" said someone else.Jenny let go on my head and whispered in my ear....
"You better watch your back today" Jenny whispered in a threading tone.
She walked and I felt something dripping from my forehead...blood. Then walked in two guys just before the bell ringed. One had pink hair? And onyx eyes. The other one has raven hair and dark navy eyes. All of a sudden the girl went up crowding them. The rest of the guys looked pitiful since none of the girl went to them like that. I obviously had no interest in them I don't even remember their name.
I had to clean the blood off my forehead so I got up and began walking to the door. The someone said.
"Oooo is the stupid bimbo going to the bathroom to cry" said one girl laughing.
Then everybody started laughing except some of the guys and the two guys surrounded by the girls. I stopped and looked their way I met eyes with them and walked away. I heard faint snickering.
~Time skip to Lunch~
I usually eat Lunch alone since Lisanna sits with the popular kids such as the student body president, a short girl with short blue hair and book in her hand, another brunette clinging to a boy, a guy with piercings, a guy with a red tattoo below his eye, Lisanna's sister and those 2 guys from earlier yet I wonder why I don't know their names. I left the cafeteria and began walking in the hallway and saw Jenny and her group of friends.
In a blink of an eye my back was against the lockers. I was shivering in fear.
"Look at the little kitty her eyes how fear" said Jenny with a creepy look on her face.
"Hahaaa, good job Jenny put her in her place. No one cares about her anyways." said Jenny's friend.
She's right no will stop them no ones cares about me.
Someone kicked my in my stomach and I fell to the ground and held my stomach in pain. They begin kicking me. However after a minute I heard someone say "STOP".
I looked up and saw the pink hair guy. He loooked angry was he gonna hurt me? He walked closer and got infront of me.
"WHAT DID SHE DO TO YALL TO DESERVE THIS?!" said the mysterious pinky.
Jenny snarled and walked away with her friends.
He turned to me and asked if I was ok. I didn't respond I was scared what it was a trick and he was gonna hurt me too.
"My name is Natsu, let me help you to the infirmary." he said with his hand out.
What do I do?
Authors note////
Hey everyone I hope you enjoyed the first part. Tell me what you think about it. Leave a vote and comment.
Updates: Every Sunday.

RomanceLucy and Nastu suffer from drastic pasts... They both cross path eachother at school.... Will they both get along...