How can I trust someone?

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Lucy's POV

What do I do?

"Are you going to grab my hand?" Natsu asked concerned.

I can't grab his hand, he might betray me. It's not he wants to be my friend either. He just wants to help, that might be what he wants me to think. I can't trust him...I just can't. I got up and ran away from him instead even though my body is sore and bruised.

"WAIT-" he yelled but I'm not going back.

Natsu's POV

"Are you going to grab my hand" I asked concerned.

She didn't respond it looks like she's thinking really hard about it. I'm not sure what she thinks of me. Then all of sudden she got up and ran away.

"WAIT-" I tried to call her but she was already to far away.

I went back to the cafeteria, and sat next to my best friend Gray and all my other friends.

"Where did you go off too?" asked Gray.

"I'll tell you later." I whispered I didn't want anyone else to hear.

~Bell Ring~

"Welp it's time for math class." Gray said.

I sighed I hate that class it's so difficult to understand what we're learning. Wait come to think of it isn't that blonde girl in my class. Imma ask gray about her.

"Gray, do you know that blonde girl we saw earlier today?" I asked.

"You mean Lucy?" he responded looking confused.

"How come you know her name and not me?!"
I asked all confused.

"I had a project with her once a few months ago. She been at this school since as a 1st year like us. Why you like her?" he asked with a smirk.

"Whaaaaat of course not I was curious about her that's all." I felt my face flush so embarrassing.

Gray just laughed like always. I wonder how never knew her name. We just headed to our class. There I saw her looking out the window. She looks beautiful...wait what am I saying!? I don't even know her.

"Natsu!" Gray yelled at me while waving his hand in my face.

"Huh?What?" I snapped out of it.

"Your staring that's impolite." He said smiling.

"Says the one who strips" I rolled my eyes.

"Hey! I can't control it" He said all flushed up.

"Attention brats!"came barging in Gildarts.

Oh well it was fun while it lasted.

Lucy's POV

When Mr. Clive came in everybody went silent. He's not a bad teacher I enjoy his class, it's pretty chill.

After class ended I stayed I went to my locker since we have a free period so I decided to head to the library.

"Wait, Lucy-san." said Ms. Mika

"Yes, Sensei?" I asked

"May you take these papers to the faculty please?" She asked politely.

"Sure." I said smiling.

"Arigato" she handed me the papers.

I began walking to the faculty the someone stopped me. It was Jenny here we go again.

"Where are you going all alone?" she asked

"None of your business" I said annoyed. This is supposed to be my free period.

"How's your dad doing? I bet he's not during great after all you tried killing him." She said with a smirk.

I froze in place I didn't know what to say even though I know it's not true but why am I hesitating to respond. I'm scared

"Nobody likes you that's why your lonely. Your a murder." She kept saying.

"No no no im not!" I yelled back.


"Don't talk to me like that!" she said after slapping me.

"I'm sorry..." I'm scared i'm so scared.

"Not even you dad loves you!" she said laughing.

"You'll always be ALONE!" she said then she left.

I fell against the wall and held me ears there's all these voices going through my head.


That little girl caused her mother's dead...
Stay away from her, she's dangerous...
I heard she doesn't even have friends...
A loner.

"Dad! Look what I drew." I said smiling.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!! YOUR A MURDER!!" dad yelled at me...

~End of flashback~

"No no no not again! Get out of my head! Please leave me alone...." There were tears falling down my face.

Natsu's POV

I was walking down the hallway, to go to the restroom. I heard yelling and sobbing sounds as I got closer I saw her...

"Lucy...?" I ran up to her. Her cheek was swollen and red. She was crying and yelling things like "Please leave me alone, I'm sorry don't hurt me" I can't believe what I was hearing I got closer. I knees down and asked her...

"Lucy? Are you ok" I was so concerned she was having a mental breakdown. She looked up at me and looked so traumatized.

"Please please don't hurt me..." she said with her arms up as she was blocking something.

"Don't worry I promise I won't hurt you. You can trust me." I tried getting closer to her trying to hug her.

"How do I know I can trust you..?" she asked while scooting away from me.

"I know what's it's like to have a mental breakdown." I said calmly while getting closer to her. I held her face and wiped the tears.
This poor girl...I want to protect her.

"Don't worry I won't hurt you. I want to protect you. I want to make you smile." I sound like a creep but it's true I want to make her happy. I'm going to make sure no one hurts her again.

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