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No one can chart that blue and lonely section of hell. There are no maps of the change. You just come out the other side. Or you don't.

[Stephen King]

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The table at the back of the library now belonged to Kody and Arlo.

Kody was sitting with his books open, waiting for his companion to join him. They spent all their free periods there, enjoying the quiet presence of one another. They rarely talked, but the shared body heat was comforting. When Arlo arrived, he wordlessly sat down, shooting Kody a quick smile.

"Hey." Kody greeted him. "How are you?"

"I'm okay. You?" He asked because he had to, not because he wanted to - that's what Kody assumed, anyway.

"I'm good." Kody grinned.

"You know, that used to be my seat." He said abruptly. "Before I left, I would sit there almost every day."

"You want it back?"


"Sorry for stealing it." He smirked because he knew Arlo didn't care.

"You stole my locker too."

Kody furrowed his brows, "I did?"

Arlo nodded, "I guess they couldn't keep it empty for four months." He shrugged. "You better be taking care of it." He teased dryly. Kody had learnt that beneath his cold exterior, Arlo had a sense of humour, so subtle that most people wouldn't even notice it.

"Come with me." Kody stood up, grabbing his maths compass out of his pencil case and tucking it into his sleeve. Arlo sighed but reluctantly followed the impulsive boy, out of the library and down the corridor towards his old locker - Kody's new locker.

"What are we doing?"

The hall was empty. Everyone was either in a lesson, the common room, the library, or off grounds. Kody unlocked his locker and produced the compass. Then he begun using the sharp point to carve into the hard surface of the inner door, the metal scratching and falling away in tiny specks.

Arlo grabbed his arm and yanked it away, "Kody!" He scolded, though his voice was weak and held no real authority. Kody couldn't help but find it cute; the way Arlo was holding onto his bicep with both hands, and the soft pleading in his gentle voice. No, Kody told himself. No boys.

"What?" Kody laughed, "I'm making sure this locker is yours forever."

"I don't care about the locker." Arlo disputed. "This isn't worth our time or effort."

Kody flashed him those big amber eyes and a smirk Arlo found hard to resist, "It will only take a second." He promised, resulting in Arlo loosening his grip. Kody carved the letter A in the bottom corner of the inside of the door, and beside it, the letter K.

"That was pointless and a waste of time." Arlo stared at him disapprovingly.

"I can tell you're trying not to smile."

Arlo punched him playfully on the shoulder, "Shut up, Kody."

Fuck, his name sounded so good on Arlo's lips.

Kody gulped.

No boys, he told himself again. It was like a constant mantra that played in his head every time he was around Arlo.

No boys. No boys. No boys. No boys. No boys.

"Nothing's more permanent than when you carve it into something." Kody joked, "Don't you think?"

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