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Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt.

[William Shakespeare]

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Acadia borrowed a short white dress from Sophia and paired it with a pair of muddy trainers. Kody questioned why his sister even owned a dress so revealing, but tried not to expose his protective-older-brother side. Acadia downed a few shots of vodka before they left the house - though her alcohol tolerance was so high that no one would even notice - and they left arm in arm.

It looked like everyone had already arrived at Alex's house; music was blaring, colourful lights were flashing, and teenagers were throwing up in the front garden. Arlo was stood near the door, wearing black jeans, his usual dr martens, and a long sleeved baby blue top. It was different to see him in something other than a jumper; something that wasn't several sizes too big for his small frame. But Kody liked it. It suited him.

"Oh, he's cute." Acadia commented, a slight slur in her words, "Is he the one?"

"Yes, that's Arlo." Kody sighed, dragging her towards him, "Now, don't say anything embarrassing please."

"Kody." Arlo smiled at him as they approached. "Hey."

"Hi. This is Acadia." He introduced.

"Naw, look at him." She cooed, "I could just squish those cheeks-"

Kody slapped her hand away before she could, just as Alex stumbled into them. "Oh, hi guys!" She beamed. She barely glanced at Kody and Arlo before looping her arm around Acadia's, "Cute dress." She commented. "Let's get you a drink and hear embarrassing stories about Kody." She giggled, pulling her away as Acadia began gushing about how gorgeous Alex's eyes were.

Kody rose his brows, "I don't know how I didn't see that coming." He chuckled. "Of course Acacia would be more popular at a party that my friend is hosting."

"I didn't know you and Alex were even friends." Arlo mused.

Kody shrugged, "Yeah, well...kinda." He said honestly. "C'mon, let's get a drink."

Arlo grabbed Kody's bicep, his fingers curling into the soft fabric of his shirt, "W-Wait."

Kody rose his brows, "Is everything okay?"

Arlo bit his lip, his emerald eyes darting between Kody's comforting features and Alex's front door. "No one likes me." He whispered.

Kody blinked, "I like you."

Arlo smiled in amusement, "And what about the rest of the school?"

"Fuck the rest of the school."


"Alex barely even noticed we were here and it's her party. When people are drunk, they don't care about anything other than where their next drink is coming from." Kody promised him. "Everyone just looks for someone they find attractive and they latch onto them for the whole night, hoping they might get something out of it." He shrugged. "Trust me."

"Trust you?" Arlo was still biting his lip, so hard that Kody feared he might draw blood. "I-Is that what you do? Look for someone attractive and stick to them for the whole party?"

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