Author's Notes

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Hello! Welcome to 'Revolutionary'. This specific page is set up to relay any untold information regarding the story.

*This story is abandoned as of 05/22/20, may be picked back up later*

The chapters will not necessarily be played in chronological order. Actually, some chapters will intervene each other. One chapter may be happening at the same time as another.

The titles of chapters will correspond to who the focus will be on. For example, 'Bronze —' will focus on Rufioh and Tavros, 'Violet —' will focus on Eridan and Cronus, 'Lime —' will focus on Karkat and Kankri, etc.

Due to the nature of this story and it's correlation with the Hemospectrum directly, I will list it here: Rust < Bronze < Gold < Lime < Olive < Jade < Teal < Cerulean < Indigo < Purple < Violet < Fuchsia. Blood color is integral!

A lot of the characters will be/seem ooc, and this is done to help push the narrative. This is also because I believe with the different circumstances and upbringing, characters will react to things differently and whatnot. Characters like Rufioh, Eridan, and Equius, will be off kilter. For example, in Revolutionary, Rufioh really is trying to be a hero. Unlike in the comic where he is rather selfish and hates confrontation, Rufioh has something he cares enough about to create conflict, the something being Tavros, his little brother. He is more based on The Summoner. There are a lot of tweaks in the personalities of the trolls.

Speaking of upbringing, the idea of this story is that once a troll hits 60, they are sent out to train and battle again otherworldly civilizations. Due to blood color, rusts and bronzes generally aren't sent because they don't live as long, therefor they're looked down upon in society and never prioritized because they aren't valued warriors.

Revolutionary *ABANDONED*Where stories live. Discover now